
Showing posts from October, 2009

Before I sleep...

I was reading about Preets random thoughts and found that I have similar thoughts racing in my mind..all the time...the only difference being my inability to articulate them like he did... when you feel like reading what those thoughts might be.. here


Long long ago, a very successful and wealthy business man, Dhanraj Patil was blessed with a baby boy. He decides to name his heir Pinku Patil. Pinku was a nice bonny little kid who was intrigued by the smallest and minutest enigmas of life. Pinku was fascinated by EVERYTHING, especially ping pong balls. The first time he came across a ping pong ball was when Dhanraj left his tennis raquet and ping  pong ball after a tiresome four hour game with his friend, Yuvraj Kapoor. So, Dhanraj Patil gets Pinku a ping pong ball for Pinku's fourth birthday and so began Pinku's rendevous with Ping Pong balls. After a year, Dhanraj: Beta, aapke janam din ke shubh sandarb pe aapko kya chahiye. (Son, what do you want for your birthday gift?) Pinku: Pithaji, mujhe ek ping pong ball chahiye (Daddy, I want a ping-pong ball.) Dhanraj is surprised at Pinku's wish. Year after year, for every birthday, Pinku asks his Pithaji for ping pong balls. Pinku finishes school and is the state topper. When...

i read somewhere that...

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”

for what was known as 'WE'.

A story of hopes and dreams, of a new life and making it big; we came with a heavy heart leaving everyone behind in oblivion to finding a family and a home away from home.. treading a new path holding hands and not letting each other fall. we fought;we patched up we laughed; and cried together we cursed and cussed others.. screw the rest, WE were the world for us.. the late night walks and the scary talks, all the assumptions and presumptions; letting down was a part of growing up and could not dare to dream about letting go.. I don't have the power to change things; I would not even if I did; For if experience is the teacher, the mistakes are the lessons from which we learned Those two years,a precious part of my life Spent with people more precious; the memories will be cherished for long and the friendship will be treasured for ever..