An open letter to the all the aunties who want to know when I am having a baby

I recently came across a blog post where the author says: I’m 25. I’m a girl. I’m Indian.If you’re an Indian girl above 21 with female body parts; I’m sure by now you have already heard this ‘cute’ question a million times, “When are you getting married?”. And I replied her saying: "Hello! I’m 28. I’m a girl. I’m Indian. And I'm married. If you are 20+ and married and just because aunts cannot ask you the “When are you getting married?” question anymore, they shift focus to “When are you having the kid?” question. It doesnt stop there and simply calls for another blog post. :) Seriously! Does this ever stop? Annoying aunts and their equally annoying questions. The 'real' me cannot give in-your-face kind of an answer and i just smile, avoid the topic and try to avoid that person for God knows as long as possible. Hence the virtual me decided on giving an answer to all the aunties across the globe pestering young women with their stupid question. ...