why girlfriends are like a good cup of coffee

Do you know how coffee was discovered? There are several legendery theories. One says some Sufi mystic observed some unusual vitality in a group of birds and tried eating the same beans and experienced the same vitality. Another says a group of Ethiopian shepherds found their goats dancing after eating the beans and stayed alert for a long time and thus discovered caffeine effects on his goats. image courtesy: http://www.gifs-paradise.com / Coffee has this thing that stimulates dopamine production and dopamine has stuff that makes us happy! No wonder coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world, right after oil. I think conversations with girlfriends have the same effect like dopamine, make you happy and alert! Just smelling coffee feels so nice. Likewise, just the thought of a nice conversation with gfs can make one feel so nice and cheerful!! Really, gfs are the second best thing in the world, of co...