C for craziness...

When someone calls me crazy I tell them they should wait till they meet The Family. I can bet my entire life's savings that you wouldn't have seen a crazier family. I have cousins who discuss for an hour on how cockroaches die. Seriously! I always found cockroaches disgusting. They have no reason to live, yet alone become a topic of discussion. What is more disgusting is people making videos out of the last 3 minutes of their death. Yuck! Common! every living thing is entitled to their share of peace in death. Ok, before you think that this post should have been 'C for Cockroaches' let me go back to the craziness. Did you know that cockroaches can survive nuclear explosions? My craziness started with the crazy friends I made at school. Like we used to call up random people (Thank God for landlines without caller IDs back then) and ask them "We are calling from water department. Is there water coming in your tap?". Very sincerely that aunty or uncle or ...