
Showing posts from January, 2010


Everybody loves Life. Their life. No one has the right to steal life from anyone. Imagine sitting in a garden full of flowers and nipping a bud even before it could bloom into a beautiful flower. Neither do you have the right nor I or anyone else in this world. I came across a video that was intended to create awareness against female foeticide. It really moved me. Laadli is an awareness campaign against female foeticide. It breaks my heart how those insensitive people can forget the womb they came from and kill their own daughters. My dad always told me daughters are a gift and daughters are the forces that bind the family. I am shocked to know that there are 27 lakh crimes related to sex determination in educated India!! In the rural sector, female infanticide is very common as the access to sex determination facilities is limited. Many families are of the opinion that a girl is a burden on them. Since, a significant portion of one’s income needs to be spent in raising a child...

the unbraidable braid??

the nomadic mind that I have and the fact that it is like a bee flitting from one flower to another often frustrates me. What frustrates me even more is when a conclusion cannot be reached. What frustrates me more and more is the fact that we are still a developing country blessed with an affluence of problems and fortunately or unfortunately, completely unaware of where/how to find the solution and if found, how to implement? population explosion, pollution,poverty, lack of basic health care and infrastructure, corruption, lack of civic sense, unemployment, religious prejudices,child labor,sexual abuse of women and children, female infanticide and feticide and I bet a several hundred can be added to this list. I tried brainstorming to come up with measures that could be taken to eradicate all these and a million other unseen overlooked evils, but, couldn't comprehend as to where could the 'grassroot' level solution to all these problems be. Awareness? education? Most of...

once more, please!

Give me some sunshine Give me some rain Give me another chance..I wanna grow up once again.. I might have listened to this song a thousand times in the last one month and not once has it failed to flood me with memories of school and college life, friends from school & college, crushes, cat-fights, suspensions, ragging, all-nighters, and on and on and on...Not just the memories, it gets me thinking as to what I would change if I could grow up once again..I am sure each one of us would be able to relate to it.. i would love to know if, given a chance and you could grow up once again, what/how would you change (in) your life?

shame shame spencers!!

My mum and I were shopping at spencers , Hyderabad today and during checkout we noticed that the instrument scanned a Rs.17 item as Rs.170. This is the second time that this kind of a thing has happened to us at Spencers in the last 2 months. When we complained, one of their representatives did rectify the error and return the amount but only after a wait of 15-20 minutes. In justification, he said that this kind of an error is common and happens almost 12-15 times EVERYDAY!!! For a retail chain that claims to be "one of India's largest and fastest growing multi-format retailer with 250 stores, including 36 large format stores across 50 cities in India", isn't this a big problem and shouldn't they be working towards correcting it? I mean they have been in the business since 1996 and isn't it long enough for them to overcome sch problems. I was just thinking of all those times we were too lazy to check the bill and all those people who don't check their bi...

Aaj kal ke bache!!!

These days, thanks to my joblessness, I get to spend more time with my kid cousins and realized how creative they are. Creative not in terms of art but the way they make peace with angry elders. My 5 year old cousin, famous for his notoriety and dadagiri, started pating his chest gently and saying ' All is well, All is well' when my aunt was getting ready to give him a lashing. I was like 'waaaaaaaaaaaaat' and my aunt n I couldn't stop laughing at his actions. And then, to entertain us more with his antics, he started tapping his rear and singing "All is well" like it is done in the movie 3 idiots. Once, when I asked him what he did at school that day, he replied " My friend Avishtha wore a pink frock today. She was soooper." and to top it, he is such a big story teller that he comes up with so many stories showing off his dadagiri that I started calling him Fake-u. He is so mischievous and when ppl at home start shouting at him, he goes ' I...

happy New year 2010!!

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light; The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind, For those that here we see no more, Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the want, the care, the sin, The faithless coldness of the times; Ring out, ring out thy mournful rhymes, But ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out old shapes of foul disease, Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of ...