shame shame spencers!!

My mum and I were shopping at spencers, Hyderabad today and during checkout we noticed that the instrument scanned a Rs.17 item as Rs.170. This is the second time that this kind of a thing has happened to us at Spencers in the last 2 months. When we complained, one of their representatives did rectify the error and return the amount but only after a wait of 15-20 minutes. In justification, he said that this kind of an error is common and happens almost 12-15 times EVERYDAY!!!

For a retail chain that claims to be "one of India's largest and fastest growing multi-format retailer with 250 stores, including 36 large format stores across 50 cities in India", isn't this a big problem and shouldn't they be working towards correcting it? I mean they have been in the business since 1996 and isn't it long enough for them to overcome sch problems. I was just thinking of all those times we were too lazy to check the bill and all those people who don't check their bills having faith in these retailers and their scanners..

Speaking about such stores, I think its time all these retail chains in India wake up and learn a lesson or two on customer satisfaction.

On another note, I just saw a 1 min telecast on sakshi TV that says " jagan e ra annitiki moolam aa jagan viluva teluskovatame maanava dharmam”.. i was totally surprised with that.. entha sontha channel aithe antha trumpet blowing avsarama?


Deadeye said…
okka mata cheppu arps..addhalu pagalu kotdhama? :p
AS... said…
Deadeye? arps? who is this?

odhu.. manam ahimsa vadhulam :P
na blog chusi naa avedhana ardham cheskuni, o padhi mandi shopping chesinappudu vaala bill check cheskunte chaalu ;)
Aditya said…
"jagan annitiki moolam" aa? man wht a load of gibberish...ppl are so stupidly loyal to dynasties in this country..they say na "pandita putrudu maha suntham"

spencer observation is interesting..they shd update their scanners and relook their supply chain (tags etc)..mgmt team seems to be too lax
Vamsee said…
No, that was not a mistake.It was a scam.Research says that very few people check their bills..and so...
same here in US.The money earned thru it is in millions or me. Capitalism.pure and simple.
Bottom line : profit

leave jagan alone for sometime..will ya.

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