once more, please!

Give me some sunshine
Give me some rain
Give me another chance..I wanna grow up once again..

I might have listened to this song a thousand times in the last one month and not once has it failed to flood me with memories of school and college life, friends from school & college, crushes, cat-fights, suspensions, ragging, all-nighters, and on and on and on...Not just the memories, it gets me thinking as to what I would change if I could grow up once again..I am sure each one of us would be able to relate to it..

i would love to know if, given a chance and you could grow up once again, what/how would you change (in) your life?


Vamsee said…
I would change the fact that I met you after ur marriage got fixed. but then again, there wouldn't be drama.
I dare u ya.. post this comment
AS... said…
dared.. posted..

how,when and who you meet cannot be changed by u,him,her or anyone. I asked how/what would you change with YOUR life..
Vamsee said…
how,when,whom I meet depends on what I change in my life and vice-versa. trying to use some of your 'softy' skills here?
Preetam said…
i might have skipped engg..EEE was nvr my area of interest. will choose arts this time;)
Balaji said…
I would have probably invented a pill/potion that would help me remain as a kid forever;)
Aditya said…
If I could change one thing I would have picked up sports at an earlier age...
Also I would have listened to my heart more often when making decisions..often i have made decisions because others have wanted me to do sth.

Thats me..what abt you?
Snehith said…
I would've

1. Learnt to play guitar at an early age
2. Chosen a career that is more creative
3. Joined B.Arch instead of B.Tech
4. Slept less, worked more.
5. Eaten less sweets and more pani puri :P

Yes there is more to the list, but these are the ones that come to my mind first.

An yea ! Thanks for the opportunity to blurt out :)
AmIpurfect said…
The way I see it... the life we currently have is already a second chance.. learn from mistakes and always do what you want. I do not want to change anything in my life.. ;)
AS... said…
music, arts, sports...same with me..busy in the rat race for marks, i think with time most of the people realize that they should have spent more time on these activities..


sometimes you dont know what u want or what you are interested in until a considerable amount of time is lapsed, and then you dont want to start over again..

btw, how is the life we currently have a second chance?
AmIpurfect said…
I might have put it wrong.. but yeah.. we keep getting second chances in our life.. like routine stuff we do.. most of the times, we dont even realize we hurt someone.. we can correct them.. and some decisions we might have made might not be reversible, but there's no point in dwelling in them.. move on.. :)
AmIpurfect said…
I might have put it wrong. but yeah, we keep getting second chances in our life.. like routine stuff we do.. most of the times, we dont even realize we hurt someone.. we can correct that.. and some decisions we have made might not be reversible, but there's no point in dwelling in them.. move on.. :)

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