Money & Management

If you are an active FB person, I am sure you wouldn't have missed this 'Excellent Tips By Warren Buffet' pic that has been shared like (what???) a million times (!!) on FB. Every other person on my 'Friends' list has shared it. My Mum did too! If you havent already seen it, I would simply conclude you weren't really active on FB. Or, you don't have the right set of people on your list who share the right set of things ;) I have always had a surplus of savings while my friends cringed about pocket money, savings and then, huge credit card bills as we grew up. Being born into a business family, I always assumed money management just came to me (yeah! just like that!) . I thought it had something to do with the genes and was transferred to all of us from Thathas and thathas from yore until, one fine day I was reading through these great tips by the great man and was like "Oh! Wait a minute! I already know all these! " and it was like a Deja vu mo...