Happy Womens Day!!

My maid brought my chai and wished me 'Happy Women's Day'..

For a moment I was taken aback, smiled at her and wished her same to you.. At that instant, so many things came flooding to me..the way she massages my head after a tiring day...the way she chides me sometimes "close that laptop of yours and go eat".. the way she secretly pulls me away from the inlaws and tells me "I will manage that work, you go finish your meeting and come".. the way she comes back to me after a bout of hysterical yelling from me saying " has your anger gone, can we.."...At that instant I so wanted to pounce on her and give her a tight hug...

 " Behing every woman's success is a kaamwali bai."

I came across this quote long ago when I was still in college and fumed at the person who may have come up with that. I felt it was ridiculous and due credit was to be given to MEN for the success of the woman.

Ten years and more than-i can-count number of women as friends & colleagues later, both stay-at-home  and working women,  it makes absolute sense to me now.

For a woman to be successful..
For a woman to take proper care of the kids..and the house..
For a woman to be stress free about leaving behind the kids at home..
For a woman to hold the pen in place of the ladle..
For a woman to accomplish everything... there is another woman behind her..

This post is dedicated to all the kaamwali Bai's across the world..
                                                    pic courtesy:  http://kshiraj.blogspot.in/2009_04_01_archive.html


Archita Mishra said…
Loved everything about this post :)

Anonymous said…
Kshiraj Telang said…
Hah! Glad to see my drawing here! Nice post!
AS... said…
Thank You.
Your Sakku Bai perfectly fitted the image of the Bai I had in my mind while writing the post...

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