I've been tagged!!!

I really dint know what this tagging concept was until Preets tagged me. But I am glad he tagged me cos this is fun and I never really gave a thought as to which books have impressed me...I read a lot of Nancy Drew and Enid Blyton stuff as a kid..but what really got hooked me to this habit of reading books was 'Tell me your dreams' by Sidney Sheldon. I dont know what made me pick this book. As far as I can remember i borrowed this book from Ramya cos this was the same book Ramyakrishna asks for in the movie Iddarumitrulu ;)i know thats one strange reason but....
okay..there are many books that i like and selecting 3 among them was very difficult and here they are..
1) The Prodigal daughter.. loved the book..I simply adore Florentyna..and the relation she shared wid her father is simply touching and I can identify myself with her in this aspect..i have always been daddy's girl :)..cudnt help admiring her throughout the book..her willpower,determination n intrepid nature have all cast a spell on me..

2) The Alchemist..
Initially, i found the book a lil boring, but later on, I must admit, I was hooked to it. There are a few phrases in the book , which, knowingly or unknowingly, deep down, had a pronounced effect on me ; "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it..."..."The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon."..It is really an amazing book and tells you how wonderful it is when you listen to your heart..I know it is not something new or something that is known to few ( the word is esoteric), I simply liked the way Cohelo wove the story..

3)The naughtiest girl in the school..
This book by Enid Blyton was my childhood favourite..and yeah it till is..No particular reason why I love it so much

I also enjoy reading P.G.Wodehouse..the humor in his novels is simply irresistible...I have no words...and I would love to meet Bertie and Jeeves..and yes would be verry happy happy to marry the stupid sweet pakka bachelor Bertie..poor guy..has a tough time finding girls ;)

n nowwwwwwwwww....let me tag balaji n srikara....


Balaji said…
hmmmmm.....nice post didn't exactly figure out what this tagging was all about until u briefed it up....and the review of prodigal daughter was awesome....!!! getting on my nerves to read that now...!! :)
AS... said…
heh heh...yeah do read that one..i bet you wont be disappointed..
SV said…
do u call that a review? then I am Buddha. anyways, if u like alchemist try MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI et al, there are a lot of other beautiful books by Cohelo too.

And Don't, for the love of books, forget to read OLD LOVE by Jeffrey Archer(as u already like him) It's a short story in I think TWELVE RED HERRINGS or one of the other short story collections.
AS... said…
@ Srikara

I dint say that i was giving a review about those books. I am sorry if you mistook it to be some kind of review, I was just trying to explain why I love those three.. Yeah i have read The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and looking forward to read the other beautiful books by Cohelo...

Waiting to know abt your favourite books..
Anonymous said…
if u liked the alchemist i m sure u ll love the manual of the warrior of light...chck it out by its by paulo cohelo too...

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