Yesterday, I read this article about emigrant Indians finding it tough to come back home. A lil more than a week since coming back, I have already started doubting my decision. It is not just the pollution, traffic, infrastructure or lack of clean public toilets that makes me complain. Its the people here that turn me off. People in the family too. and the fact that my country is polluted with corrupt politicians.

K was gonna start fasting today cos his demands were falling on deaf ears. He was arrested (but Why!!??) and the result being a peaceful-fast unto death-turned ugly and damaged public property. what annoys me is dragging these dirty poli'tricks' to college campuses and students. the media is definitely creating a hype but cant these students realize that theey are being used as pawns to nourish the political ambitions of various political parties. There was one stupid guy in a maroon shirt standing in the balocny of a college hostel and pelting stones at policemen. He even went to the extent of drenching himself with one huge can of petrol/kerosene/whatever. I was waiting for him to strike a match and burn himself, but the coward dint have the guts to do so. I bet that sicko is gonna sit with a group of friends tonight, get sloshed and admire his onscreen beauty. How I wish these easily influenced-immatured 'kids' learnt a lesson or two from the movie Josh ( they are too stupid to think and learn from anywhere else)

When will our leaders realize that it is this kinda inefficient beaurocracy that disgusts resident and non-resident Indians. If it was a peaceful fast, then they should have let it continue peacefully. Another guy gives a statement saying they are taking all necessary steps to call in a bandh tomorrow. Fool! Does he have an idea how much loss it would create. Doesnt he realize that they are causing so much trouble to the property and people in the 'Telangana' region of the state for who they claim to be fighting for. As a fact, do they even know what the Telangana people want? Definitely not these raastha rokhos and bandhs and bloodshed. How did they even conclude people in this region want a separate state? .May be, the policemen should have let him fast unto death and he would have got a hero status tomorrow morning and a statue on Tank-bund three days from now. It would have saved so much money! Again, poli'tricks' and inept politicians.

and as Sirivennala Seetarama Sastry rightly put it...


Aditya said…
jesus...i am from andhra too and i sure do admire your guts :)

I am aware of the "bandh's" are you put it..basically they go around shutting down schools for no viable reason...its pretty atrocious

Last I saw politics involved with college was in the movie "Shiva" but it still happening big time aah...where exaclty was this..shed light?
AS... said…
whr exactly was this? dont u follow the news? in Andhra Pradesh obviously..several parts.. Hyd, khammam, siddipet,karimnagar n more..
Aditya said…
ok ok...btw it makes perfect sense that they arrested him...he def can't control the masses who will start rampant destruction of property citing their "ailing leader" as an excuse.

And now it seems even that has backfired...they will do it anyway now to release their leader..jeez
Preetam said…
saw a young guy in a hunger strike and he was like 'those ppl stole our jobs, water, food, current from our land and its injustice'...had he spent the same time studying, he would've got what he askd for more easily and i really hate the word, 'prajaswamyam' in such occasions.

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