last night, I was in Liquids and it was an eye-opener to me. I was super-shocked to see the kind of crowd and their pdas. The major part of the crowd were college kids barely older than 18 or 19; cigarettes in one hand and alcohol in the other, swooning over their boyfriend/girlfriend totally unconcerned about the 100s of people around and like it was their bedroom..Hyderabad gave me a culture-shock, not US. It was like "falling from the chimney right into the pizza oven" like Vamsee put it.

What surprised me was how could the management not verify the age of the people before letting them in or serving them alcohol. S tells me that I will find more than 80% of the same crowd in Touch the very next day, i.e., Saturday. He also told me its like a ritual; Wednesdays at Dublin, Thursdays at bottles & Chimneys, Fridays at Liquids and so on...the cover charges are no less than 2000 bucks per head and I wonder how these kids can afford so much every single day!! And, I think most of them cant even bend their back to earn their booze or puff!

There are so many things to learn from the West, but, yet again, we are aping the West for all the wrong reasons. I am not against having fun. But, I am all for knowing where to draw the line. Or maybe, I feel a lot about unnecessary things? Whatever it is, pda is an absolute turn-off for me..

what do you think?


Aditya said…
I agree. I think most of these kids are still in college and don't mind spending their parents money but you might be surprised to know that many students that age in US work very hard in part time jobs in diners, as bus drivers etc even on holidays like new years! Responsibility is the key word. Good observation!
AS... said…
yeah..I agree. I personally feel and am an advocate of kids staying away from parents and becoming independent and responsible..

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