of boredom and boring thoughts...

Off late, I haven't been regular to blogosphere and neither have I typed the url of my blog for long. Nothing tickles or pinches my vein so much that I can rave or rant about it on my blog. Not much interesting stuff is happening. Anyways, interesting stuff happens only in movies! Like an ape falling in love with a human or a godzilla ramping and raging along the streets of Manhattan. And a vampire falling in love with a human and the scent of the human's blood driving him crazy! yeah, crazy indeed! who would want to fall in love with their food and then abstain from eating it? Can you resist the urge of eating a plate full of gol-gappes placed right in front of you? If I were Edward Cullen, I would have relished Bella Swan at the very first instant and saved so many people from the torture of the New Moon.

Interesting are cab drives with chatty drivers! On one such cab drive the driver told me that during new moon people tend to act crazy and that's how the term lunatic came into existence. I dont know how much of it is true but you can read more about it here . When I googled new moon and depression, I was flooded with Bella Swan and her depression in and during New Moon. Stephenie Meyer and Bella Swan have taken over the internet which is very alarming. It only makes my belief in 21-12-2012 stronger.

On other note, I feel sad for Modi for receiving so much flak. Tell me, who is not corrupt?

On another note, I am so happy that IPL is over!


Soumya said…
Hey! you have got cool way of expressing things :) . Coming to the newmoon effect on individuals, indeed i have hear about it too recently! I barely remember who told me about that and I hardly tried to find about it any further, so I basically have no conclusions to draw about it.

Anyways, hope something interesting creeps into your life so that i get to read more and more articles written by you.

Bye ;)
Soumya said…
Hey! you have got cool way of expressing things :) . Coming to the newmoon effect on individuals, indeed i have hear about it too recently! I barely remember who told me about that and I hardly tried to find about it any further, so I basically have no conclusions to draw about it.

Anyways, hope something interesting creeps into your life so that i get to read more and more articles written by you.

Bye ;)
AS... said…
haha.. glad you liked it!!

yeah, even I am eagerly waiting for interesting things to happen so that I can blog and blog and blog till I clog and people flog me ;)

and good to see you here..i left a comment in ur blog..happy blogging!

Vamsee said…
another moon effect from hollywood.edu


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