growing up is just not fun...

Today is one of those days when I don't feel like doing anything..don't feel like answering calls or replying to texts..don't feel like talking to anyone..It is one such day when regrets of the past and insecurities of the future all come at once jabbing the s#!t out of me and when I feel like stabbing in the chest of every person I come across..especially those trying to make unnecessary conversation with me..I usually don't use words like s#!t in my blog, but today is an exception.

Growing up is just not fun. and If you are looking to read something meaningful then read no further. Thanks and have a great day!

Whoever said twenties are the best years must be hanged until death. Komalthecoolk tells me 20s are the new 30s. During your 20s, there is so much pressure from all directions to settle down professionally and maritally??I dont know if there is such a word but I hope I conveyed the point. If you still dint get the point forget it cos I will tell no more and I am already in a mood to stab someone. Twenties are when you become an object of evaluation and gossip for all the pesky aunts and annoying uncles. Twenties are those times of phenomenal comparisons with Subbu pinni's maternal uncle's second son's wife's chandra maama's third grandson who is "well-settled" in the US earning a six digit salary and drives a latest model of God-knows-which car. All this when there is already the quarter life crisis that you have to deal with!!

During twenties, you are at that time when things suddenly start to become disturbing, overwhelming and then you are full of doubts. There is confusion, despair, desperation and a big void that needs answers and consolation. Answers to questions like "am I on the right path", "is he/she the guy/girl?", "why did I major in xxxx?","Am I really passionate about doing this?" and all. They are voices inside that question every move/action/word. There is excitement at one corner and then fear lurking just around the corner.

Growing up is just not fun. Even our superstars dont want to grow up. they are fathers-in law and grand-dads in real life but onscreen, they still romance heroines who are half their age. I think that is their way of showing they dont want to grow up.This post doesnt make any sense to me. Does it make any sense to you? If yes, please drive some sense into me. I will be indebted to you and will chauffeur you around the heavy traffic ridden roads of Hyderabad for a month and for free of cost. Can you beat that ??


Preetam said…
i like the last option :) but seriously, the post does make a lot of sense.. lil surprised though..but i so blindly agree with this line " There is excitement at one corner and then fear lurking just around the corner. "
Nitisha said…
As surprising as this may sound to you, I was interested enough(read jobless enough) to skim through this entire post.
Growing up may not always be fun, but maybe this is just you suffering from Quarter Life crisis and perceiving life with utter blah-ness! :P
Vamsee said… are soofer funny.
with unmatched satire...
best when you are angry.

Sorry,invading your privacy..please stab me :)

Addicted to your blog..
and please delete that traffic feed..its embarrassing!

is visiting blog tantamount to harassment?

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