the big fat Indian wedding

Indian weddings are typically fat. In the last few years, there has been a steep rise in the rate of obesity among Indian weddings. The economy worldwide may have taken a sudden down turn but it failed to remove the extra cheese from Indian pizzas and dampen the spirit and extravagance of the Indian wedding scenario. The increase in the spending power coupled with peer pressures to show off and display are touted as the reasons behind these obese weddings. The sluggishness of the IT people also plays a small but important role. Fancy destinations, mind-blowing backdrops, designer clothes, exquisite jewelry, huge variety of food and lip smacking sweets are the consequence of the big fat Indian wedding.

The big fat Indian wedding helps in bringing together distant cousins and provides them with an opportunity to bond over food, booze and taash (poker of the East)! They bestow upon young’uns the good fortune of meeting fellow young’uns and are places where new love stories take birth.

Though the fat and obese Indian weddings have so many nice things about them, they don’t cease to be free from the not so nice things too. Many tehelkas come into light during these weddings. Stories of who moved who’s cheese, which cake is the creamiest, and that of the puppy that ran away with the doggy, the doggy that bought the biggest bone and the likes will be the trending topic during all the days of the wedding and a watchful eye will be cast upon rest of the puppies. More often than not, disorders of the stomach and smelly bathrooms are a common outcome. Sometimes, depending on the severity of the obeseness, broken bank balances may also be an unavoidable upshot. All in all, the big fat Indian weddings are a time to rejoice and proper care must be taken to ensure that obesity may be best avoided during the weddings.

PS: It took me a great 2 weeks to recover from the after-effects of the (my) big fat Indian wedding and while my generous dad’s pocket is still on the way to recovery, I am jumping with joy for finally having something to write about here.

PPS: ‘I bullshit, therefore I am.’ If you feel this post deserves tomatoes, please let me know in advance so that arrangements can be made for a catcher and a vegetable basket. If there is a mood to hurl footwear, then please make note that yours truly wears a size 7.

PPPS: I know you may be wondering as to why the frock it took so long to come up with this nothing. But this rapid decline in the number of visits to blogosphere and the disappearance of posts is attributed to the inefficacy and inadequate functioning capabilities of grey matter in my brain which is in turn attributed to the absence of salt from my toothpaste.




Soumya said…
Like always, I love the way you express things.... but i dint really get the PS , PPS and PPPS :P ... lol .. i mean there was no necessity for those is what i felt :P
Vamsee said…
‘I bullshit, therefore I am.’ LOL
hope, its original.

funny..because I read desecrates saying ' I think, therefore I am'..
which is actually a very deep thought.

btw, isnt all gupta weddings bfiws? :)
AS... said…
@ Soumya

Danke!! :)

@ Vamsee

No. Not original. You see the single quotes I used? I think I read that somewhere.
AS... said…
and yesh, most of the gupta weddings are fat and obese..
Anonymous said…
some sense and some it!
Krystina said…
Arpita you are so silly. I hope next time you will blog about YOUR actual wedding, the ceremony, how you were feeling that day, at least for me so I can pretend that I was there.

Krystina said…
Arpita you are so silly. I hope next time you will blog about YOUR actual wedding, the ceremony, how you were feeling that day, at least for me so I can pretend that I was there.


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