Adverbly yours...

Apparently, today is #vinayakachavithi's nomulu day and supposedly, i ought to perform the #thadiya-gauri-vratham because technically, I have the eligibility now and unfortunately, i can't eat anything until I devotedly perform the #puja and give my #mother-in-law the first #nomu and fortunately that I have a blog I happily resort to blogging to successfully overcome my hunger pangs.

I am anxiously waiting for tonight as I will be watching #Komaram-puli, painstakingly or not, I will know in a few hours but honestly, I am not a big fan of the #powerstar but seriously, I want to watch the movie to see if it is appropriately worth all that hype. Frankly, i am not a big fan of hash-tags on twitter either and unhesitatingly i accept that surreptitiously, I do stalk a few humorously nice people on #twitter. Sadly, I have nothing to do but #blog until hungrily the rest of the family devours on the deliciously made delicacies. Till then you will have to patiently bear with me.

Surprisingly, the word interestingly does not exist. I am remotely interested in anything associated with rituals and prayer procedures and took them very frivolously all through these years and will take in the years to come. During the vratam, I profoundly exhibited my ignorance and the pujari laughed heartily all through the puja. Once I furiously glanced at him and he silently continued his chantings but my mum did not take this very kindly.

I have to inopportunely end this post here as i have to urgently leave and genuinely I know that this post serves no purpose than I earnestly trying to overcome those hunger-pangs.


Vamsee said…
Hilariously you went mad
ridiculously becoz of pooja..
unfortunately I read your post,
WTFly I lost my thought.. and
maddeningly went mad....

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