
why is it that every happy story should have a sad ending?
why is it that matured decisions are always painful to the heart?
why is it that decisions that make you happy are often touted silly?
why is it that the mind and heart should be in conflict all the time?
why is it that you meet people if you have to part later?
why is it that life makes you un-believe your belief in fairy tale endings?
why is it that life ceases to be a bed of roses ?
why is it that there are options that lead to confusions?
why is it that we have to go through a quarter life crisis?

more why?s to come...


Vamsee said…
δειλοί ζητήσει πάρα πολλές ερωτήσεις
Anonymous said…
you say WHY, i ask WHY SHOULDN'T it?

In first place what(and then why) makes you believe that all those things should be such a way you expect them to be...wishfull thinking!!

moral of the blog...be open to anything..everything

- Su ;)
Vishnu said…
I like the why's .. there is no answer to it but it is a fun ride!

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