Things to do when stuck in a traffic jam

What do you do when you are stuck in a traffic jam?

Radio stations? They bore me big time. The RJs and their fake telangana yaasa suck. It is like their core idea is advertisements and  play a song in between when they need a break from the ads. Like a bee flitting from flower to flower, my mind keeps flitting from car to car, checking out the inmates of the car - if they are cool enough for that car or what could their profession be, number plates, colors and personalities, and the front grill!

To beat Traffic , here are a few things you could do.

1) Attach a personality to the car
Just like each one of us has different features that make us unique and talk about our personality, each car has a unique personality. My favorite activity while stuck in a jam is to assign a personality type to the car depending on the size and shape of its front grill. The older buses had a square shaped grill and they look like a huge giant of a person with a small mouth and like a person kissing someone..they have the look of a gentle giant..The newer buses have a straight face. Indifferent, I say! Indica has a nice, pleasant smile. Laura looks like an airy old guy while BMW looks nosy and Endeavour has a rowdy look. Swift has a no-nonsense look while our dear Auto has the look of a chipmunk. To me, a limousine looks like a creepy, crawly creature with a long face.

2) Cars, colors and personalities

I think the color of the car can convey a lot about the owner. I think red reflects people who like to stand out or show-off; while black conveys a no-nonsense or elegant or classic personality. Orange/Yellow are cheerful and loud.
Read here and here what studies and psychologists say about it.

3) For the more adventurous type, you could sing your fav song loud enough for the neighbors to hear and join you. or just laugh at you, maybe! It is a biiig stress-buster. Trust me, it works. A colleague and I who used car pool used to do it everyday - singing Bollywood songs. Specially, item numbers and Himesh Reshamiya's. While with the Telugu crowd, muppiyaaru from Jagadam and Nuvvu Mannela thintivira krishna from Chatrapathi were the favorites.

4) Check out the inmates of the cars around you - if they are cool enough for that car or what could their profession be

5) For the more intellectual people : Make a statistical analysis of the different types and make of cars

My observation: I have noticed that any any signal, Swifts are a majority . White Swifts!

6) Whatever you do, picking your nose while stuck in a traffic jam is a big NO-NO. Yes, NO-NO in capitals.

What do you do when in a traffic jam?

PS: The worst thing to happen while stuck in a traffic jam is having to use the loo. Remember Sandra Bullock in Two Weeks notice?


shashi said…
Good one Soma! I would either call someone or browse on my phone. So what car do you drive and what's the color of ur car?
Vamsee said…
With my passion less bike, impatience and driving style, I never found myself in such situation.If it happens though, its gonna be "falling down" of Hyderabad.
Y.Kiran said…
My fav pastime: adding all the digits of the number plates that I see, until I get a single digit...I also found that 9 is a magic number...add any number to 9 and then sum up the'll get back the original number! 9+5=14=1+4=5!
Kalyan said…
I hate that Nose Picking Part too...Well, not to mention I see that everyday in Fairfax, Virginia Cross Roads. Oh my god, one second I think about the SMOKING HOT LADY driving a Muscling Mustang n next second she does that!

Well said about the cars n the colors etc. At least we are spared when it comes to RJs. Last time I've been there after 4 years, my dad hooked me up to Radio Mirchi Channel n it was entertaining the first day. But as it progressed, I couldnt take it anymore cuz the funny jokes cracked r NOT funny anymore.

Good write up ASM! Cheers ~ KT
AS... said…
I drive an old beige santro. You cannot make my personality analysis from it cos I drive it as I have no other alternative. When I get to buy my car, it will be red. Blood red. and bloody red. or just black!
AS... said…
@vamsee bikes are a whole different experience. Remember that dialogue from Mirapakaayi. Dont remember the exact words though. Its something like comfort vs happiness.
AS... said…
you are a geek!
AS... said…

Thanks, KT. The radio stations are progressing from entertaining --> bearable --> what the fuck --> shut up you stupid RJ.
They have redefined their mission statements. They telecast advertisements and play a song everytime they need a break.

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