frozen moments...

Sometimes some moments are really close to your heart. Nothing fancy about them. You just feel like freezing them down the memory line to reheat and savor them at a later time.

There was a power cut today and the brother and I not knowing what to do at home decided to go on a looong drive. We dint know where we were headed to. We just kept driving. Picked up a friend S and drove and drove and drove. We stopped at a resort , had a couple of drinks and did nothing. The little that we spoke was random shit recollecting moments of social faux pas and managed to laugh at ourselves. Family, work, future, career, expectations, life everything took a backseat for a while. We just drank and laughed for a long time. On the way back we sang along with the radio until our throats ached. Not that we did something worthwhile, but it just made me realize that how little we need to be happy.

I also realized that the brother and I dint spend time together in a long while. Before starting , I asked another friend B ideas as to what I could do during the power cut. I dint have time to wait for B's reply and went out with the brother. Coincidentally, by the time I returned home I found B's text asking me how long it had been since I rode with The Brother and had an ice-cream with him. It amazes me how a few people, though not a part of your daily life,  can understand you  and know so well what is right for you. Thanks, B.


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