Pretty white dress, rains & dashing hero!

A 20something girl wearing a pretty white dress, specially a white chudidhar with a nice white netted sequinned duppatta, dancing and jumping around in the rain or simply even playing with the rain drops while a young dashing hero ( with a sexy 2-day old stubble) sees her and there is lightening and thunderbolts in the sky and cupid strikes and the dashing hero falls in 'true' love with the white-ly dressed girl and decides then and there ( without doing any online compatibility tests!) that SHE is the girl and blah blah blah...

Do you think all the above can happen at the same time in real life?

No. They cant. And, they wont.


  • any normal girl would be more concerned about getting that 'pretty white dress' dirtied in the rains . Because finding another white dress with the perfect fit and perfect cut is next to impossible.
  • and cos our GHMC doesnt do great work and there will be traffic jam and you may not have enough space to dance and even if you dance the dashing hero will be stuck in the jam and will not be able to make it on time.


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