April Fooooooooool!

It's funny how things change.
Or rather how our perception of things changes. And days too.

1st April 2003: I would wake up on the 1st of April with a to-do list. A to-do list of how to make a fool of so and so person and what technique shall be used.

1st April 2013: I dint even realize it is April Fools day! And when the annoying RJ pointed out that , the first thing that came to my mind was that today is the 1st of April, THE 1st of a new month, THE 1st of another f**king financial year and that new account books were to be brought, new spreadsheets to be made, bills and rent to be paid, returns to be filed and on and on and on.

You know, with time, perceptions change. And to-do lists too!

April 2003:

I am on full guard not to let the lesser mortals make a fool of me. "Aaaah, theres a lizard", "Oh! you flunked that paper" and that kind of crap dint work on me. I was way above the ordinary you see. So , to fool me you had to use a weapon way above the ordinary.

The best friend, M, calls me and starts sobbing on the phone. I am like what? She doesnt reply to me and continues to sob. Uncontrollably. Then I understand something is terribly terribly wrong else M is not that kind who sobs for ordinary things. She speaks all hush hush and I run into the room and lock it from inside because its a universal rule that every 'happening' teenager  has a not-so-happening pesky little brother whose fulltime profession at that particular time would be eavesdropping followed by blackmailing.

M: Sob Sob..
Me: What is it? Tell me! I will die if you dont! (out of concern ofcourse !!)
M: Boo Hoo..
Me: tell me, please. I cant take it any longer (Among all the friends I have, M is like my baby. I can yell at her, shout at her, curse her, scold her, but, if someone does that to her they will have to face my fury)

Me: What happened??
M: I am pregnant!! ... Sobbing continues...
Me: What the hell? How? What? When? Who?

A hundred questions were running in my head then. I mean I was blown out of my wits. I dont even remember how I managed not to shout at that time.
What crap was she talking? How does she even know she is pregnant? How can she say that? How can she be so sure about it?  I was like I  dnt even know how one checks and confirms if they are pregnant and here she is making a statement!! Hell Wait! Ok, I know it takes a man to get a woman pregnant but nothing more than that and here she is already pregnant!! what? when? Who?  How? How could she??

Me: Ok. Who is it?
M: It is K.
Me: Are you crazy? Wasnt it supposed to be just a crush! That bloody fool..
M: Ok whatever! thats not the issue now, is it?
Me: OK, what do we do now? Where do we go? Who should we talk to? What will happen and...

And yours truly starts sobbing now....

M: Aprillllll Foooooooool!!!!

Me: Shut the f**ck up! 

and hangs the phone. 

Ok. I really dint use the words " Shut the f**ck up! ". Using the F word was not so fancy then. You would have been labelled a slut had you even uttered it. So I shout something into the phone and hang up.

All the rona- dhona - manana did continue after it and finally ended with a good laugh...And it actually makes me laugh even today when I recollect that incident now. That and so many others with M.

I love you , M.

M has recently gave birth to a cute little baby boy, my future SonInLaw ;)


M ;) said…
Those were the best days! Loved the post and it was fun recollecting our little nothings! :) And you obviously know how much I love ya! ♥ But Whoa! seriously? U remember the year as well? :) And yeah.. Get ready to get fooled by your lil future son-in-law soon :p
sushmitha said…
This is one of the "WOW" posts , had me on the edge of the seat. Awesome prank M.

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