B is about Being Bold and Beautiful
If I had a million dollars at my disposal, I would run a campaign targeted towards women: Be Bold. Be Yourself. Be Beautiful. A lot of times women underestimate themselves. they underestimate their beauty, inside and outside. Have you seen the recent dove commercial where women are presented with two doors, BEAUTIFUL & AVERAGE, and how they are supposed to choose one? Click here to view it. And the one they made sometime ago that showed how women really underestimated themselves. I simply loved the expression on the faces of those women who chose 'beautiful' over 'Average' . There all looked confident. I asked myself which door would I choose? Would I go for 'beautiful' or maybe feel self conscious and pick 'average' ? Average because of the fear of being judged ? What is my definition of average & beautiful ? Or would I feel more confident when I walked through the door that says 'beautiful'. Am I beautiful ? And m...