B is about Being Bold and Beautiful

If I had a million dollars at my disposal, I would run a campaign targeted towards women: 
Be Bold. Be Yourself. Be Beautiful.

A lot of times women underestimate themselves. they underestimate their beauty, inside and outside. Have you seen the recent dove commercial where women are presented with two doors, BEAUTIFUL & AVERAGE, and how they are supposed to choose one? Click here to view it.

I simply loved the expression on the faces of those women who chose 'beautiful' over 'Average' . There all looked confident.

I asked myself which door would I choose? Would I go for 'beautiful' or maybe feel self conscious and pick 'average' ? Average because of the fear of being judged ? What is my definition of average & beautiful ? Or would I feel more confident when I walked through the door that says 'beautiful'. Am I beautiful ? And my actions?

I think it is an inherent trait for us women to perceive less about ourselves. Always feel less adequate. And less capable. Why are we often so harsh on ourselves? A very important question to ponder about...

Being beautiful is reflected from the inside. Maybe being confident makes one look more beautiful. Maybe beauty has to do with self-esteem.You can be the most beautiful when you are yourself. Accept yourself for what you are and accept your body. You will be beautiful when you feel beautiful from the inside. 

Be Bold. 
Be bold enough to take your own decisions.
Be bold enough to live your life.
Be bold enough to disagree.
Be bold enough to travel.
Be bold enough to fall in love.
Be bold enough to overcome a heart break.
Be bold enough to resist the dogma.
Be bold enough to do what you want.
Be bold enough to mark your territory.
Be bold enough to make mistakes and
Be bold enough to learn from them.

And be beautiful; in your words and deeds.


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