A for ....

The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear/read the letter A is my name. Then, my brother's. And then, my younger sister's. Then the younger brother's and then the youngest...and so on...

All the kids in my family are named with 'A'. There is a story behind it.

It is like a comedy of errors; having 6 kids in the house with all their names starting with an A and how everyone ends up calling them with the wrong name all the time.  The funniest part is every time my grandmother scolds someone she calls them 'Anshu' . Poor Anshu..

Ok. getting back to the story. My grandmother's name starts with A, Anantha Lakshmi. I think her name is kind of trendy for her time. I mean, imagine a time when girls were named Veeramani, Venkatamma, Subbama and she is named Anantha. Coincidentally, my maternal grand mom's name too is a little trendy for her time, Uma Devi. Remember that song from Guna... "Devi...Uma Devi...

My dad was a typical amma kuchi and he loved his mom so much that he decided his first born will be named with the same letter as his mom and because the first born's name started with an A to keep up the trend they named the next born with an A. And then when my maama had his first born, he showered the privilege of naming his daughter on my dad and he named her with an A and to keep up the trend his second born was also named with an A. By the time my second maama  had his first child, there were four As in the family and we wouldn't allow him to name his kid with anything but an A (I am sure the aunt cursed us big time ;) )

While I was growing up I hated the fact that my name starts with A; because wherever I went (I changed 5 schools by the way !) I was always roll no 1 or 2 and there were so many disadvantages associated with it.

#1 )  it was difficult to cheat during exams because there was no one else before you. While the rest of the junta happily cheated I had to struggle through them..

#2) Engineering Viva! The external lecturers who came for viva always had the toughest questions for the first few students. Once they realise the entire batch is a bunch of dumbtards they become more lenient, with their questions and in awarding marks.

#3) Be it a presentation or a project submission, the As are always called first. You are unprepared and screw up while the rest of the class learns from your experience.

I took a vow that my kids will not be named with A.

Somehow, I don't know when, but I did fall in love with my name and the letter A. As I grew older I fell deeper and deeper in love with the letter A. I donno if it has to do with the fact that A denotes the highest of grades or just that there is symmetry and some positivity around it. And I  guess letter A has the highest number of  positive adjectives when compared to the rest !

What letter does your name start with?

Does yours start with an A? If yes, do read this and this and bask in glory for sometime ;)


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