A - Z Blogathon

I often think about blogging. It's like I am writing and there is an incessant outpour of words and I'm writing and writing and I wake up to find that its all a dream. Gulp.

Everytime I feel like penning down my thoughts and I don't have access to my computer, I quickly note them on my smartphone in Evernote hoping that someday, ..., someday (read that with a 'pause'. I intend to create a very serious effect there!) , all those random ramblings will see the light of internet. My Evernote account is a series of incomplete blogposts .

I like to write. But the lazy bug that I am I procrastinate. Forever. So the only way to write more, I thought, would be to join a blogathon and here it is 'The A - Z Blogathon' . I am known to leave lists incomplete and I am not sure how much I am going to accomplish this one and I only hope this time it is going to be different....


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