3 more weeks 2 go!!!

yippieeeee.... 22 days 2 go!!
cant wait till I set my feet in Hyderabad..back 2 home.. sweet home..my cozy dark orange n yellow cave of a room..daddy's hugs..mommas endless arguments...eliminator rides wid mah bro.. ghar kah khaana...mmmm mouth watering!!( the crappy stuff we cook here has already started tasting yucky n making me crave for mom's cookin)..granny's hot oil massages..lots of cuddles n kisses from my darlings kutti,vicky,anshu n ani... paradise chicken biryaniiii...shopping for junk on d streets of badi chowdi...kurtis at westside...taruniiii..pani puri at gappe-vappe n maharaja chat pav bhaji...midnight biryanis at green park..frankiesss...looking forward to meeting old fnds..endless chitchats at CCD until they shoo us away..movies at prasads not 2 forget d chicken sandwich n cuppa corn..ice creams at melting moments n alankritaaaaaaaaa ...constant leg pullings by my maamas.. uuummmmmm cant wait till I get back home...
n how i could I forget u my dearest kiny my first love...miss riding u so much..

buttt theres so much to do before i can pack my bags:(:(:(:(...one final exam 2 go..huge pile of lab reports 2 b submitted n a paper due..n my bacteria n my lab..yeah kis janam ka rishta hein mera tumare saath..will u ever let me go??:/:/:/ mummmmmy!!!! boo hoo..d clock doesnt seem 2 tick anymore.....


Unknown said…
hmmmmm.......x:(- mummy mera number kab aayegaa..... :( :(
AS... said…
heh heh....ayega beta ayega.... intezaar ka phal meetha hotha hein...
Anonymous said…
ee uru manadiro... ee nela manadi ro... ee uru manadi..nela manadi..chettu manadi...putta manadi.....eyyyyy!!! ;)
Anonymous said…
oooooooh missing your home so much ????? anyways have a gr8 time in india .. good luck for ur exam .

yes I do know the real 'U' ... and you can know the real me very soon :)
AS... said…
@ prits...

enti laka laka laka laka laka ki revenge aa?..lol..

@ roger federer..
yeah i kw d real you... :)
Anonymous said…
really ?? make sure u got the rite person .....
AS... said…
hey preetam..i kw its u!!

dont confuse this already confused soul!!:(:(
Anonymous said…
heh heh there u go ... u got me wrong .. i am waiting for ur next post :)
Unknown said…
well...its only 2 weeks frm now...cant wait for u to leave this place...[:P]
AS... said…
@ srikanth


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