zindagi sucks!!!

zindagi sucks!!! bigtime!!!
a term paper, a presentation, 4 lab reports n a take home due!!! gotta submit all those by tis saturday..am i a machine or wat?? i can see stars n planets all over...yeah naveen.. i can c ur planet zuzozga or bozo or wateva d crap u call it!!!i thot twas funny when ppl said all d nice things just dont fall into ur lap..u gotta work for it!!hmm thats wat i am doing now..just realisedw at masters in US really is..for 30 days of bliss i have to go thru so much..pooor me!! momma.. i really need u..missing u so much!! muaahhhh!!


SV said…
what the heck are u complaining about? it's the same with everyone......
AS... said…
did i say thats happening only wid me?? if its d same wid n u also wanna complain then u r most welcomed to join me in my cribbing...
Anonymous said…
mmmmmmm zindagi sucks!!! ?? after reading your retrospect i did not expect this post from you complaining about life!! ....
i know you will handle anything in your life with a smile :) and hope the next post would be about describing your gr8 time spent in India saying your life really rocks !!!!hehe ... anyways I wish all the good times will start soon for you.
Unknown said…
well...ummm....haaap....nthn to say...knowing u...tomorrow by this time..u`ll say..u`re loving this..!!
AS... said…
:-) i am loving it!!!
SV said…
JOIN U IN CRIBBING? then what's the difference between u and me? and u know even in cribbing there is a priority list.........
AS... said…
@ harihara..
yeah,,..rito..everyone has a priority list..u have urs n i have mine:)
at that moment dat was d first on my priority list...geee:D
SV said…
that's the reason u r not me, ma'am-and by teh look of it u gotta pretty sick priority list

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