I recently came across a hoarding that says..
I want..
a good career
dollar salary and
a job abroad....

why do people have a wrong notion that a good career is having a job abroad and earnings in dollars? is money the only factor that should be considered while choosing a career? Is it not important to acknowledge the satisfaction that you get from a job? is money everything in life? isnt happiness what we want out of life? does money bring happiness? is happiness something you can purchase from the store down the street? are money and happiness entwined? if yes, does it imply you are happy when you earn more? arent people with little money happy? why are people not ready to walk the extra mile to bond with fellowmen when they can toil hard to scale the mountains of name, fame and ofcourse money?? dont relations bring happiness to life? then why do people compromise relations for a little more luxury in life? why do i talk nonsense?


SV said…
that question(why do i talk nonsense) should be at the top, you would have saved all of us some time and trouble...........
Anonymous said…
nuvvu hyd ki ochi..golconda fort, zoo park, salarjung museum choosthav anukunte...evo chetha hoardings choosthav enti??
Unknown said…
hey arpita ,
came across your blog thru preetam;s

good post but let me tell u , money may not bring the ultimate happiness but it gives the power to bring home those things that bring us happiness. Ppl with little money may be happy but there is this lingering thought that they could have done better had they had a little more. Even for a common man, the stive to earn more is his way of satisfying his craving for that littlemore of something.

What u talk isnt nonsense, but its jus questiong that bother us from time to time. U'll learn to answer them or live with them.

SV said…
hey arpita don't let ur friends convnce u otherwise, ur post is nonsense( yes u got it right), hehheheheheheh
Jeseem said…
one can be happy regardless of anything. just smile @ yrself and walla ur happy.
but a good job and earning helps, by letting to get ur desires.
my terms of happiness
= +ve attitude and a smile
+ enough money and time to fulfill 70% of desires
+ the right friends and colleauges, who nurture +ve'ity
+ the willingness to do anything to keep ur smile
+ ability to be strong and unflinching under pressure
+ to see the small everyday satisfactions in life and smile and enjoy them

like I am smiling at how much nonsense I have written as a comment and i am happy ;)

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