loving it!!!

it feels blessed to be back home after a hustling 9 months in the US of A... twas a surprise visit and dad n mum were speechless when i just walked in all of a sudden..their expressions were worth capturing,..(Lux kya scene hein types)and they cudnt resist showring me wid kisses..mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
i have returned to my former lazy self with all the subtlety that i could manage..back to ghar kha khaana n fab india kurtis...glad that kutti has started acknowledging me after running away from me for the first two days...cant stop doting on him n simply love the way he calls me.." dhi....dhaa"( dhi= short for odhina..dhaa= come):)my homecoming has put few aunts back in their "match-making" métier( with no offence meant to all the aunts..i simply adore u guys for caring so much)...n paaaaaaani puri...nd srikanth i ve been eating your share of pani puris too:P..theres so much 2 say but its realy difficult to put into words what i feel at d moment..mmmm simply loving every moment of my stay here.. dont wanna go back!!:( how i wish that life had a pause button.. or i get the univeral remote control adam sandler managed to lay his hands on in the movie Click... click! click! n i would just fast forward the next one year of my masters..hmmmm remote or no remote life has to go on..just hoping to make d most out of my short trip..making my jaunt jaunty..geee....
n for all those who havent been to the bhagyanagaram in a while will post soon on wats new in the city..n d traffics sure gonna drive u crazy...beleive me sitting in d car scares me!!!!


Anonymous said…
ur back?? good!! nenu kooda hyd lo unta..;)
Anonymous said…
btw b'day ki untava hyd lo?
JoyousFaith said…
So glad to see you arrived home safely. Enjoy!!!
Jeseem said…
enjoy ur vacations.
ohh and plesae don't make us jealous by talking of pani puris :(
PAKKAD said…
expressed in a whole hearted fashion. Emotions are pouring out.....must have been in a really gud mood.....

i liked the way u described the way u enjoyed.....keep it up....


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