
was just browsing the net when I came across this wonderful quote..
"Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech." -- Martin Fraquhar Tupper

I was never a person of surprises me that all of a sudden i find quotes on silence sensible..n being silent does so much good especially when you are in a turmoil..for me, a few months ago, silence was spooky, silence was uncomfortable it is takes so much strength and courage to remain calm, composed and yes, silent when everything and everybody is against you..this well timed silence has reinforced my belief in myself, that i am strong, courageous and indomitable.. mere words cant shake me anymore..

more quotes on silence that have influenced me ...

"Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart"

"Even silence speaks"

"Silence is a source of great strength"


Kalyan said…
The words described are quite eloquent n so ur silence...Well Said A{R}p[S]!!

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