
I have recently read a novel called 'Sisters' by Danielle Steel. Its a book about four sisters, each in their world, thousands of miles apart , pursuing their professions, living their destinies, yet, tied together by a bond that only strengthened with time, how their lives are thrown into utter chaos when a tragedy strikes the family, and how these sisters come together in a time of disarray and the sacrifices they make in their professional and personal lives to rebuild their family after the misfortune..

the sisters move into an apartment and live together for a year and I so so wanted a life like theirs..i realized having a sister is so much fun.. I take grea
t pleasure in quoting Amy Li , "Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there." I have 5 such 'god given sisters' who have been with me through thick and thin. They have been my ray of sunshine on a cloudy day and have never let me down anytime...not even once!! My short stay at Mansa's place in little Rock resembles the lives of Danielle Steel's "Sisters" in so many ways and I bet I will not have such a wonderful time again..

This post is dedicated to my "Sisters" :):)

Mansa alias Maaaa'nassa'

Has been the nassa in my life and has given me nothing but unconditional love for the last 12 years..we have had our share of quarrels, but everytime we patched up,we became more and more fond of each other..we are like cheese and pizza..bread and butter..totally inseparable..always with me i can always rely on.. according to Linda Goodman's star signs, cancer and virgo make the best of friends and may be its just written in the stars :P

Vidya aka Vidz/Sony

'Meri sony...meri tamanna..jhoot nahin mera pyaaaaar....'

my sweetie pie..the most boldest of us all, extremely adorable, the pampered kid among us..calls herself shrewd.. has been the support system for all of us from day one....daring and dashing..she is always there to fight for us..her presence itself gives a secured feeling..she is like the eldest sister and if vidz says so..thn it cant go wrong..a diva in the true'est'

Vandana a.k.a vanduuuuu

one of my oldest friends..i have known her for the last 12 years..she is very unique and it is an understatement to say that she is just sweet..right from triple rides on her TVS dating back to the 1999s and the cooking sessions with her in Little Rock in the 2007, every moment spent wid her is a pleasant one can make me laugh like she does..she is a sweetheart..she was a sweetheart..she will always be a sweetheart..

Kavya a.k.a kaaaaaavu
Kaaaavu wid 'half' expressionless face..has been my constant source of inspiration and motivation...has had a tremendous influence on me from the early stages of our friendship...the only sane girlie in d gang..the perfect agony aunt.. though would have been great if she spent a lil more time wid d junta..

Soumya a.k.a souminaaa

"the nautanki saali".. cincy's been so much fun because of her..there is never a dull moment when she is around..i never really thought I could get so close to anyone else other than vid, kav, mans n vand..she makes daily chores as boring as doing the dishes an entertaining activity..and the late night talks (i dont care the noise complaints from our neighbours) and the collaborative crying sessions ...awwww.. i would do anything for those..Thanks souminaa!!

I am what I am because of these wonderful women and cant imagine what I would be without them ...just want to let you guys know that I love you loads and mere miles between us cant do much!! Will always wait for the Dec 31sts....cheers...


Unknown said…
arpu's thanksgiving yeh...!!! wat about brother's bro?? [B-)]
vandana said…
sweet heart tad was really awesome .............v all luv u arpuuuu....ummaaaaaaaaaahhh :)
Anonymous said…
U make my heart melt!! :] luv u loads sweetie pie!! I announce u to b the bestest debut blogger so far!! ;) and u r my most sweetest naughtiest talented girl friend eva!! muuuuuuuuaaaaaaahhhhhh!!
Preetam said…
Sister to sister you will always be,
A couple of nuts off the family tree.
~Author Unknown

btw congrats for being the best debut blogger..;)
Balaji said…
such a sweet post...[:)]...btw why dun't u try something that srikanth mentioned...guess lots of ppl would be happy...[:P]
Anonymous said…
Late ga chepinaa... Latest ga chepthunna...inuko.. ;)

U r such a sweet heart...
Love u equallyy ra... :)
Will miss u the most and alll the lovely moments together re... :(
AS... said…
i am gonna miss u too soums..
:( :( :(

shall we all go for PhD???
Bharathi said…
hey arpita..... awesome blog!!... Earlier I never used to read blogs coz they were too boring for me... and now.... from the moment I read ur blog on Sisters, I liked the way u penned down and was heartfelt! seriously looking fwd to read more of urs!! gud luck!!

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