Give me some sunshine Give me some rain Give me another chance..I wanna grow up once again.. I might have listened to this song a thousand times in the last one month and not once has it failed to flood me with memories of school and college life, friends from school & college, crushes, cat-fights, suspensions, ragging, all-nighters, and on and on and on...Not just the memories, it gets me thinking as to what I would change if I could grow up once again..I am sure each one of us would be able to relate to it.. i would love to know if, given a chance and you could grow up once again, what/how would you change (in) your life?
I love stories. Specially narrating stories. Exaggerating them and narrating. I have stories associated with just about anything. Bird shit, car, lock, missing flights, chasing buses, maid servant, broken pyjama strings, coffee, blog...Give me anything and I will tell you a story that happened to me with that subject. The BadCow story has nothing to do with being bad or cows or cows that are bad. It is just my tryst and obsession with bad words. If only my dad had an iota of idea about the extent of my 'galeez maatalu' vocab, he would jump from his 5th floor apartment. Going by the number of bad words I know and use, the way I drive and cuss at drivers ( and yeah my love for night life too ), my mum feels I should have been born as a boy and If I were born a boy and got married, my wife would've committed suicide within the first 2 months of the marriage. See..exaggeration you see. It runs in the family. BadCow ...reminds you of any bad words? For non-native Telugu...
A co-worker's boyfriend had asked me how can I leave the land of opportunities and go back to India. "What is there in India?" these were his exact words. " what is there in India" that I am moving back to? yes, there is corruption in India. There is pollution, population explosion, traffic jams, insensitivity,illiteracy, female foeticide and infanticide . There is lack of civic sense, lack of good organization and there is no cleanliness. We spit on the road and all the walls on the road are public urinals and men make graffiti with pee on all those walls. Haaa! tell me what isn't there in India. A lot of people I know don't want to go back to India for all those mentioned above and a lot more. And can we do anything about it? Yeah, we can fret about it and enjoy watching on-screen how the heroes fight these evils while we munch on our popcorn. may be, my being a hypocrite has a lot to do with the country I come from. The country, the state, the social...