I am surely gonna suffer third degree burns from the wrath and ire of all the feminists for this...

Today, I want to puke hard at celebrate the approval of the 33% reservation for women bill.....puke so hard that my small and large intestines become twisted and tangled and all messed up so that finally I die of suffocation celebrate with so much fervor that I die out of happiness. And because the bill would be the cause of my death my mom would totally deserve a place in the parliament. Yes, because she is the mother of a martyr who sacrificed her life not being able to see her country become backward and backward young girl who died out of happiness because of the country’s not so innovative efforts towards women empowerment.

India is a land of discriminations opportunities and hypocrites sensitive and hard working politicos, who go to any extent to amass so much wealth that they would need to hide it in their coffins too uplift the emaciated. It is a dream come true for the most powerful woman in our country, Sonia Aunty who supposedly gave a statement “LALU has seven daughters. I was telling him that within his family there are seven for the Bill.” Poor LALU uncle failed to read between the lines and opposed the bill. He could not understand that she meant his seven daughters could contest from seven constituencies and win to make seven times more money to guide Bihar and the country in the path of progress.

On a serious note, 63 years of independence and women are still shouting from roof tops for reservations and special privileges. Doesn’t this imply they are still unequal to men? Equality and reservation are not synonymous. Even without reservations, we have had able and efficient women leaders who have ruled the roost for long. Personally, I think these reservations, for women or for any caste and religion, is a sheer waste of resource and skill. For four years, I have been a witness to this at a reputed engineering college. What discourages me most is that the government is taking a wrong approach towards a good cause. The issue was first raised in 1974 and in the current times, it is obsolete and not worth any celebrations. There are a 1001 ways to work towards empowering women and and this is definitely not the best. Wait! Did I say best? This is not even worth mentioning. And if it does uplift women, will the bill be able to reach beyond the bahus and betis of famous politicos? That is a serious question to ponder.

I am afraid a day would come when the birth of a male-child will not be rejoiced anymore and we will be fighting against male foeticide and infanticide and women demanding dowry during marriage and the whole vicious circle would repeat itself again. This is 2010 folks! Women are powerful and the fairer sex. And as motey baba says “ they(women) are also sexier sex, even now!


Vamsee said…
breaking news: woman in ICU because her "small and large intestines become twisted and tangled and all messed up" for puking so hard...

hahahaha..like your post. politically correct or not, it is straight from the pit of the stomach..did soniaji really said that?? Hope, this thing does not bring more kavithas in to the field.

folks, motey baba is accepting applications from all the bhaktis..;)
AS... said…
and when motey baba starts his ahsram, tell him to hire a good security manager and have the bhaktis screened for hidden cameras, microphones and the likes so that motey baba doesn't become a trending topic on twitter..
AmIpurfect said…
I would not totally agree with you. To some extent you are correct. But that is the case with reservations in general.
Just to remind you, the 33% quota is present almost in every field. This is just introduction of quota in the legislature.
Have a look at this link. It shows the representation of women in parliaments across the world and you'll understand. Even in the US, which people praise about gender equality, the representation is only 16%.
One other fact: after introduction of quota in gram panchayats, the women representation raised to around 50%. How about that for upliftment of women?
Kranthi Kumar said…
Hello Arpita

your thoughts are good. All the other bills that came for women are right. Bur this bill, which is 33% in parliament is not gonna save a suffering women at common home. Other bills which gave 33% for women in education, jobs, and reservation at various counters. i do respect them and i do encourage them. But this 33% of parliament is not such an encouraging thought. Do you think those women MPs will do some thing good to common suffering women!! no way!!
Few weeks later this bill has passed, a women politician(politrickician, in your may) got garlanded with mala, which costs 5 Crore. Fight for women rights which reaches common women like your mom and my mom. Not for this useless bills.

If this hurts, i am sorry. But this bill hurts me!!
Instead pass a bill, which gives 330 Rs/month for tribal women. that is lot better than this bill.

Yours Pen
This is just me!! -Save Women!!
AS... said…

"the women representation raised to around 50%. How about that for upliftment of women?"

upliftment of women? who and where? as much as i kw it neither did good or bad..and it is of not of much use. Hence no need of those celebrations.
AS... said…
@ kranthi kumar

instead of that Rs 330 per month, it would do justice to show them a means of livelihood and educate them.

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