30 before 30 list!

At 1:24 am, instead of sleeping yours truly is going through another one of those deep-never ending-thoughtful-soulful-retrospective inspection of the last 25 years of her life and about things that shouldn't have been done and things that could have been done with the end result being a 30 before 30 list..I was just thinking of those times when striking off things from the to-do list gave me so much happiness that I wanted to go and party and dowse myself in a few martinis. I have a strange wish: to swim in a pool of Green Iguana's apple martini sipping little little every now and then. If you ever visit Tampa , Florida, you should try the martinis served at Green Iguana on Anderson Road and then you will understand why I wished that wish. Aah! How can I mention Green Iguana and not talk about their Fajitas?? They are simply so yumm yumm yumm. Yes, they are totally worthy of three yumms. I have this habit of digressing from things that I'm doing or things that I'm talking about and I can hear Motey Baba shouting "ADD ADD" while reading this and before I digress, so, after the reexamination of the past 25 years of my not-so-happening life, I decided to come up with this list. Everything about the list is cool but in future I may think of renaming it 40 before 40..so stay tuned while I make changes and additions..By the way, did I say my life was not-so-happening? What can be more happening than locking yourself out of the classroom minutes before your thesis defense and you have to call the college police and the police wont open the door because he doesn't believe you reserved the room because there is no proof of it and the guy who made the reservation is on a vacation that day and the police will still not believe you even after you ask him if a petty college thief will strot around in formal wear and 4-inch pointed heels in 5 C weather if not for the defense? Yes, heels can be terribly painful and I would have loved to punish that guy by making him wear stilletoes. And did I tell you about the time I wantedly missed my connecting flight in Chicago so I could go meet a friend. It once happend that..Noo not again... Here is what I made of that list before the wander-luster in me takes over..

1) visit a proper cafe and have irani chai
2) take a course in journalism and communication
3) visit Egypt, Greece, Turkey and Rio
4) Sky dive  Can I partially strike off things? OK. I dint skydive. But I paraglider and also bungy jumped. This will be off the list for now.
5) become an entrepreneur.. 
6) gatecrash into a wedding /event/ or any function!
7) learn to speak a foreign language
8) go watch a movie all by myself
9) get a new hairstyle
10) learn to play a musical instrument
11) publish a novel
12) become fit
13) do something incredibly silly and stupid
14) get rid of my persistent procrastination problem
15) involve myself with a charitable organization for kids
16) learn to put my feet down(forthright) on things/people i dont like..
17) be able to resist icecreams and gossips
18) Be very prompt in replying to phone calls and emails
19) Learn to ride a bike..
20) pursue a hobby devotedly
21) stop feeling I am too old for anything
22) make enough money to buy myself a car
23) One day maunavratham
24) er...umm.. own a pet and get myself to cuddle a dog..
25) have kids
26) watch 3 movies in the theaters in a single day; 1 English, 1 Hindi and 1 Telugu
27) run a marathon
28) SoloTravel  ( Read about my first solo trip here )
29) write for a magazine  ( not technically a magazine but yeah partially there : check my work on startuphyderabad.com here  )
30) complete this list :)


Vamsee said…
how come I missed this?

any changes in the list?

BTW,you have terrific sense of humor.
write more..yaaaaar!
Balaji said…
You should definitely sky dive. It is really awesome. Watching a movie all by yourself is one more mind blowing experience. I've done both of these.

Btw, I thought you already got a new hair style when you left Cincinnati. Didn't you?
Avinash said…
I guess u wer bloggin bout 30 before 30 but i found only 20. Wat ever. Dey sound quite interesting but i guess u can actually try doin dem widout da chronic order u mentioned. Tht wud make ur wishes come true sooner xcept for da 19th one :-P. Keep bloggin gal. N ill be da one wholl make sure, poke u to finish dem one by one.
Snehith said…
Madam, it would actually be good if you blog about the ones that are crossed out, ( if they can be shared ). Would be interesting how you went about each one of them. Did you attack them, thinking one fine morning that "Today I will ensure i strike if off the list" or more or less like a "Oh yea, now that I am done with it, let me strike if off the list" approach :)

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