World's Coolest Intern??

I want to write.Just keep writing. Endlessly. Till my fingers pain and refuse to write any longer. Till my mind is free from thoughts and doesn't let a single thought stray by. I want to write. About those kids that are making so much noise right now outside my window. About their angelic smiles and innocent questions. About their playful tantrums and  cheerful taunts.

I want to write. Write about the Standard Chartered Bank's quest for World's Coolest Intern. About how much I want to be THAT intern. About why I should be selected for that internship. About the experience it would be. About the people I get to meet and the things I get to learn. But, my mind is blank and is refusing to think. It just keeps re-iterating the words of Dusan Bogdanovic.

"Stay cool, look professional, and pretend this is very, very easy." I can!


Vamsee said…
WOW! This is what they call as stream of consciousness writing.
Sandeep said…
Stay cool, but don't pretend its too easy. Makes others uncomfortable and suspicious.

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