Top 10 wierd things that happened to me

Do weird things happen to you? Or is it just me? Every time I feel  my life is becoming boring and pray for something magical to happen, its like up up above someone hears me and instead has a wild laugh and decides  to make it weird instead!! Being the sportive star that i am (like I said earlier, it is my blog and I get to brag), I blog about it as the top 10 weird things that have happened to me.

1) Kareena Kapoor wears a cute little red helmet in 3 Idiots and I scouted like 4 shops in the city to buy a similar one. A couple of days back, I was riding my scooter on the Telugu Thalli flyover at 80 and the helmet  decides to take off and crash land on the middle of the road. There was traffic dodging it at high speeds and people laughing at me while I was trying to cover my face with my scarf and retrieve it. I can imagine what a funny sight it had been!!

2) A pigeon came hopping across the road while I was driving my car and brought me to a halt. It was hopping all across the road right and left and dint allow me to move forward. Again, there were stupid bikers zooming along and laughing at my plight :(

3) Ever stepped in dog-shit while dressed very neat and dapper and wearing your fancy pair of stiletto? No? I did. And you know what I had to do next? Go to the loo and wash my footwear till they stopped stinking.

4) Once while at one of my on-campus jobs in the US, I was running late to work. I called them and told them that I got stuck in the elevator and was waiting for the maintenance guy to open it. I am sure you can imagine what happened after that. I did get stuck in that damned elevator!!!

5) I was waiting for the campus shuttle and a school bus stopped right in front of me. There was this cute little Afro-American kid who gave me a cute smile. I smiled back at him and he showed me his middle finger.Asshole! I showed him mine and he retorted back showing his two middle fingers. Kids are evil.Offspring's of Satan!

6) My tryst with weird things related to shit dates a long way back to school. Reading news at the assembly was the in-thing and to be the IT-girl, this was the chance. On one such occasion, right in the midst of news reading, right there in front of 100s of devilish students, a lil birdie found my hair really nice and decided to poop on it.

7) I do not complete lists. I have to end them before reaching the number I decide initially. Like here and here. The only list I can complete is my shopping list.


Vamsee said…
LMAO @ 4,5,6 imagining you in those situations..funny girl!
Vamshi Gundameedi said…
This will happen only to few lucky people like you ;)
Balaji said…
That someone above who listens to you is none other me. I make sure your life is spiced up ;-)
Balaji said…
@Vamsee for 4 and 5 we kept pulling her leg all the while during our Master's. And when stuck in the elevator she doesn't call 911 first. She calls her friends and tell she is stuck in the elevator :-)
Snehith said…
Heh ! :D Loled at number 5 :P

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