the come back post

So, now that the decision to strike back has been made the bigger challenge I face is what to write. I have seriously been thinking about another post on relationships and complications -part 2. But then, I decided not to simply because a post on complexities and confusions and crappiness cannot be a come back post. Can it be? Yeah, I can see a big swing of that head from left to right. I understand none of us would want a sorrowful reunion. Yea, the left to right swing reminds me of my Spanish friend R who was recently in the city to meet her Telugu In-laws and relatives. I taught her that a left to right swing is a NO and a top to bottom swing is YES. The smart girl that she is, she asks me doubts in that theory too. She asked me what would it mean when the head is sent in a 180 degree left to right vertical swing ? Yes, that is also a YES. So remember the next time you give survival lessons to your firangi friends visiting the Swades, make sure you include this one too!

A reunion should be fun. There should be music. There should be dance. Teen maar. And drinks. On this note, go to youtube, play Taylor Swift's Love Story followed by Enduke ramannama , shake a leg and lets toast an apple martini; for the apple martini's come back! Thank you!

And thus ended the revival post.

PS: I get to select the song because I am throwing the reunion party. Likewise, I get to select the drinks too.
PPS: I have made bold statements about striking off things from the 30 before 30 list. I was able to manage to strike off three of them and I am almost there with the 16th point.
PPPS : I am now sitting nervously biting my nails off because I just realized I have to come up with 8 things to finish the list and that I just a few years to strike of things completely from the list.
PPPPS: Another realization that I cannot complete lists. I am having a nervous break down as I type this. Please, please call 108.
PPPPPS: I simply love using this PS and PPS and PPPSes. What do they actually mean?


Kalyan said…
Welcome Back Buddy! An Ardent Follower of your blogs! Go Gurlee!!


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