funny things that happen to almost everyone at almost every school/college

Its funny...

  1. how it was mandatory at school to take the Indian pledge everyday and when we had to repeat "All Indians are my brothers & sisters" how each of us used  to silently add the words "except one" in our mind and think about that special someone at that time...
  2. how there were two 'It girls' in every school/college and how they used to be arch-rivals GOD only knows why..
  3. how A & B were a couple and how C & D were another couple and how years later  A ends up marrying D and B ends up marrying C ...
  4. how someone sitting in the class would be lost in some random thoughts and suddenly calls the teacher  'Mummy' and the whole class bursts into laughs (this happened to me!)
  5. how every Maths teacher in a hurry would say 'sex' instead of 'six' and the entire class would get into the silent coos and whispering mode, and all the girls would blush..
  6. how many grandfathers and grandmothers were killed as a bahana for not attending that unit test or quarterly exam...
  7. that you used to be with the friends until 3:30 PM and after going home the best friend will call right at 4:30 PM and says "whats up? I'm getting bored. let's talk!" and then you speak to them for a copuple of hours straight...
  8. more to come..


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