The Monster-in-Law & the Devil-in-Law

Usually when I write something I share it on FB and twitter. There is this one particular post that I wrote sometime back and dint share it on any social network, except a few friends. I really don't know if that was a conscious decision or a subconscious one. Maybe, it was the fear of retribution as the entire clan is on FB or probably the 'need' to be politically correct or God-knows-whatever!

I was somehow always the odd (wo)man out in the family. There were literally no cousins my age I always hung out with people double my age or people nearly a decade younger to me. Growing up, I was a witness to infinite stories about MILs complaining about DILs and DILs badmouthing the MILs. And when I see my younger cousins going through the same strenuous relationships, it makes me cringe and wallow in grief as to when this MIL-DIL  equation will change and will be cherished like any other beautiful relationship in the world. Hence, I decided to bring that post out of the closet.

Methinks, the MIL-DIL syndrome is more of a mindset problem. The hundreds of MIL/DIL jokes that abound different social networking sites, the countless soaps and movies portraying the relationship negatively, and most importantly, the older married woman in the family all contribute to creating a very negative relationship even before it actually starts. The world would be such a better place if both the women realised that they are women first and then everything else and open up their mind and heart to each other. Respect, empathy and compromise are the 3 keys.

Every relationship comes with its share of misunderstandings, arguments, fights, beautiful memories, happy moments and boundaries. The boundaries are never to be crossed, the positive moments are to be remembered (always) and the negative ones are to be thrown deep into that bottomless pit from where you can't retrieve them anymore. 


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