
don't Keep Calm.. I am Back!

So, after a hiatus of close to 2 years, yours truly has decided to blog again drawing some inspiration from Mrs.Funnybones. A friend read her book and recommended reading them as she thought my style of writing and that of Mrs.Funnybones felt quite similar to her I am taking that as a compliment (insert the wide grin emoji here ). While I dint get to strike off a lot of things from my 30 before 30 list , I definitely accomplished one. Point number 25 on the list. Not the plural though. So what changed in the last 2 years? I am a lot more patient now. Thanks to the lil tsunami that has entered my life now. I am definitely more fit than I was two years ago. A lot less materialistic. Thinking about which I dint buy a single watch in the last 2 years and bought just one bag. Quite a feat for the shopoholic in me. I am more tolerant towards most of the things (insects haven't made it to that list yet!). If you asked me to describe myself in one word today , that word would be...

P for Perceptions

“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche Evenings in Rishikesh were an absolute bliss. They are meant to relax and while away your time watching the sunset while the cold breeze touches your face. Every evening, during my brief stay in Rishikesh,  we used to sit on the banks of the Ganges with our feet dipped into the water and talk about things. Everything. Things like why we were travelling solo, what were we scared of, if there was something that we could change about ourselves , what would it be and so many other things. Some profound. Some utterly nonsensical.  On one such evening, AY, AK and I were talking with our feet dipped into the water. Suddenly we notice two shining objects far away in the sky; twinkling and one white in colour and the other twinkling and red in colour. AK and I argue that those are stars while AY counter argues saying they are planets.  "No...

My First Solo Trip - Rishikesh

I once read in one of those solo traveller blogs that  "If you want to learn something new - travel. If you want to discover something new about yourself - travel solo." and wanted to travel solo ever since... I have always had a thing for travelling and exploring new places (travellers too! ;) ) and decided I will travel solo before I turn 30. My life had been so disorganised and chaotic in the recent past with so little time for myself that I realised it was time I took a break to do something for myself.. something new... something that made me challenge myself to come out of my comfort zone.. something that allowed me to meet new and interesting people..and explore! After a lot of thought and research , I decided to go to Rishikesh and stay at an ashram as I wanted to spend a lot of time with myself, in self introspection and away from the hustle bustle of everyday life.  I signed up for a yoga course at an ashram because I wasn't sure if I was cut out for s...

C for craziness...

When someone calls me crazy I tell them they should wait till they meet The Family. I can bet my entire life's savings that you wouldn't have seen a crazier family. I have cousins who discuss for an hour on how cockroaches die. Seriously! I always found cockroaches disgusting. They have no reason to live, yet alone become a topic of discussion. What is more disgusting is people making videos out of the last 3 minutes of their death. Yuck! Common! every living thing is entitled to their share of peace in death. Ok, before you think that this post should have been 'C for Cockroaches' let me go back to the craziness. Did you know that cockroaches can survive nuclear explosions? My craziness started with the crazy friends I made at school. Like we used to call up random people (Thank God for landlines without caller IDs back then) and ask them "We are calling from water department. Is there water coming in your tap?". Very sincerely that aunty or uncle or ...

B is about Being Bold and Beautiful

If I had a million dollars at my disposal, I would run a campaign targeted towards women:  Be Bold. Be Yourself. Be Beautiful. A lot of times women underestimate themselves. they underestimate their beauty, inside and outside. Have you seen the recent dove commercial where women are presented with two doors, BEAUTIFUL & AVERAGE, and how they are supposed to choose one? Click here to view it. And the one they made sometime ago that showed how women really underestimated themselves. I simply loved the expression on the faces of those women who chose 'beautiful' over 'Average' . There all looked confident. I asked myself which door would I choose? Would I go for 'beautiful' or maybe feel self conscious and pick 'average' ? Average because of the fear of being judged ? What is my definition of average & beautiful ? Or would I feel more confident when I walked through the door that says 'beautiful'. Am I beautiful ? And m...

A for ....

The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear/read the letter A is my name. Then, my brother's. And then, my younger sister's. Then the younger brother's and then the youngest...and so on... All the kids in my family are named with 'A'. There is a story behind it. It is like a comedy of errors; having 6 kids in the house with all their names starting with an A and how everyone ends up calling them with the wrong name all the time.  The funniest part is every time my grandmother scolds someone she calls them 'Anshu' . Poor Anshu.. Ok. getting back to the story. My grandmother's name starts with A, Anantha Lakshmi. I think her name is kind of trendy for her time. I mean, imagine a time when girls were named Veeramani, Venkatamma, Subbama and she is named Anantha. Coincidentally, my maternal grand mom's name too is a little trendy for her time, Uma Devi. Remember that song from Guna... " Devi...Uma Devi... "  My dad was a typical ...

A - Z Blogathon

I often think about blogging. It's like I am writing and there is an incessant outpour of words and I'm writing and writing and I wake up to find that its all a dream. Gulp. Everytime I feel like penning down my thoughts and I don't have access to my computer, I quickly note them on my smartphone in Evernote hoping that someday, ..., someday (read that with a 'pause'. I intend to create a very serious effect there!) , all those random ramblings will see the light of internet. My Evernote account is a series of incomplete blogposts . I like to write. But the lazy bug that I am I procrastinate. Forever. So the only way to write more, I thought, would be to join a blogathon and here it is 'The A - Z Blogathon' . I am known to leave lists incomplete and I am not sure how much I am going to accomplish this one and I only hope this time it is going to be different....