here comes little nothings...

Well.. it aint a good time to start little nothings ( its 120 AM and I should be in the process of aquisition of knowledge on chemostats and activated sludge process for the bio exam i am takin this wednesday) but nevertheless it is here...
I have been yearning for a blog for d last one year seven months and twenty three days. I have created one and now I cant help cursing myself for creating one...most importantly for creating one at this time!!! grrrr!!!
Will get back to my books now and come back for my sweet little nothings asap....

ASAP....hmmmmm no wonder these acronyms have crept so much into our life..I was at a desk-staff inservice program today. The purpose of the program is to coordinate and train the desk staff working for The University of Cincinnati. Guess wat!!! we were being taught how to write good emails!!! Emails are full of acronyms and my ARCs are annoyed cos they are not able to make out the ABCs of the emails they get...Ever wondered wat MHOTY stands for??
mmmmmmmmmmmm....still scratchin ur head???

My Hats Off To You... sheeshh!!
Shannon is pissed off cos all she gets in emails is MHOTY, JLT, 1337, AICUY....
So we were taught how to write good emails( without using acronyms) at a desk staff in-service. How wierd!!
Isnt that supposed to be taught in some elementary english class??? Its the last week of the quarter and with so many projects and presentations due, how in the world did they ever think that ppl wud be glad to waste their time in learning how to write emails!!!
I would rather learn modelling toxic chemicals in lakes at this time..!!
Now this reminds me that I hafta learn modelling toxic chemicals in lakes for my exam call it quits for nw..
But will be back soon...till then tata..


Suman Kumar said…
learning to write good emails sounds much more interesting than chemostats and activated sludge

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