I managed to watch an episode of Donald Trump's TV show 'The Apprentice'..u may think its wierd cos i have never watched d show earlier but...donno i cudnt watch it..may be cos i dont get time and more importantly maybe cos I dont have a TV..ok ok..before i wander away the only thng I wanted to let you guys know was that I watched d show and found it to be gr8888...donno if u guys ever watched it but dont miss it if u get a chance..
Its a must for all you would be managers, entrepreneurs , team leads etc etc...
I found it a lil ruthless..cold to be precise..but I guess dats how life is:( too bad lifes gotta be dat way...I wonder why did pandora open that damned box!!!! hmmm no point in blaming pandora..probably even i would have gave in to my curiosity if i were her...may be she shouldnt have opened the box wide open...she should have shut it in time not letting all the evils escape out...maybe we could have done with little evil...may be i find the thought of icecreams, candies and food growing on trees too tempting and blame pandora now... i feel its not pandora alone but mankind in general who deserves the blame..what if she let the evils out?? aint it we who are fostering it?? maybe pandora just sowed the seeds but we are nuturing it in our homes, in our hearts....with all d love for it and hatred and jealousy towards our fellowmen...how many of us know the joy in giving?? surely my GIS prof doesnt know it at all..i mean giving in the right sense...he gets no joy in giving grades...but he gets all d joy in the world in giving us assignments.....wat I realised now is that whatever i start writing, at the end it all boils down to acads,grades etc etc...gracious heavens!! the USA has brought so much change in me..i was not like this before nd I wudnt be like this here after....bindaas rehneka..tension nahin lenaka... "TAKE LITE!!!"( direct pic up from RGVs NISHABD)..
Secondly wat i realised is that I can never stick to a topic..i wander....maybe i was a nomad in my previous birth..now talkin not previous birth...forget it..maybe sumother time..

PS: i got a chance to visit Donald Trump's casino in Atlantic city yesterday nite... wonder if he became a millionaire after he started d casino or before...if you know let me know...


SV said…
You probably haven't read Ayn Rand, u will redefine ruthlessness. and as for Pandora and Evil, oops(don't provoke me, mademoiselle) no comment :)

BTW, good u have posted again
Anonymous said…
Same feeling! if u changd aftr going to the USA, i changd aftr i strtd working..no matter what the topic is, i end up crabbing about my team lead and metrics.Take lite!! :p

some life stories are never to be understud :)

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