Everybody loves Life. Their life. No one has the right to steal life from anyone. Imagine sitting in a garden full of flowers and nipping a bud even before it could bloom into a beautiful flower. Neither do you have the right nor I or anyone else in this world.
I came across a video that was intended to create awareness against female foeticide. It really moved me. Laadli is an awareness campaign against female foeticide. It breaks my heart how those insensitive people can forget the womb they came from and kill their own daughters. My dad always told me daughters are a gift and daughters are the forces that bind the family. I am shocked to know that there are 27 lakh crimes related to sex determination in educated India!!In the rural sector, female infanticide is very common as the access to sex determination facilities is limited.
Many families are of the opinion that a girl is a burden on them. Since, a significant portion of one’s income needs to be spent in raising a child, education etc, a male child is preferred as they feel that their son will be the bread winner and will also look after them during old age; while a daughter is expected to get married and live with her in-laws. Moreover, the birth of a son is celebrated as he would continue the family name and would bring in dowry at the time of marriage. There are many existing laws to check the prevalence of such evils, but they are not enough to eradicate them. The existence of such discriminations can adversely affect the sex-ratio. A disturbed sex-ratio may perpetrate more crimes against women like rape, abduction, dowry harassment, trafficking etc.
Laws are not sufficient to protect women against such prejudices. Stringent implementation of the laws is required to tackle these evils. Campaigns and proper measures must be undertaken both by governmental and private organizations to create awareness at the grass root level. Men and women should be educated and made aware about the dangers of abortion and also the dangers an imbalanced sex-ratio can pose to the society at large. Strict enforcement of dowry act, proposing schemes for the benefit of girl-child, establishment of women self-help groups may also help to an extent.
Years ago, when a girl stole the two crystal peacocks that I got at the craft exhibition at school, I was so sad and bitter at her that I prayed she should flunk her math exam. I prayed that night and a number of nights that followed. all i cared for then was my crystal peacocks. Now, years later, the peacocks don't matter to me anymore, but i can't comprehend how someone can inflict pain on others. If only prayers had powers.. Stealing life is a great sin...and stealing someones life even before they get a chance to live it..a greater sin!!
I made my pledge and I hope you do it too...
However, I tend to differ with the statement on the last paragraph. You were in no ways being insensitive to someone Else's life. You were just showing your emotions which I feel is not wrong when someone harms you. I myself do it all the time.
What the hell is crystal peacock? let it go somaji :-)