relationships & complications!

Relationships baffle me. And, they complicate life. They end up making the already complex life more complex. F is of the opinion that when we are born with relationships like mum, dad, brother, sister etc, why should we be the choosers of this relationship called 'life partner'. With different pressures from all the directions,the process many a time ends up in an entangled mess and crippled relations that cannot be patched. it makes no sense to me when people end up breaking an X relation to make a Y relation work. And yeah, the broken hearts that cannot be mended and the the million $$$ question is how happy you are at the end of this drama. Methinks , just being born with the 'life partner' relation would purge out so much pain from the world.

I have always admired people who stood up for their happiness;people who knew what they want out of life and take the step to make it happen. If X had the guts to fight everyone for what X thought would make him happy, I would be there with X supporting and in awe of X. I often pity myself for being the silent spectator and not having courage to put down my feet on certain things I don't like or I don't want to do. No wonder I call myself 'the hypocrite'. Oh please, I cant take the entire blame. Maybe my country has rubbed off a little on me.

I think it has more to do with being a 2nd generation modernist and the 1st gen modernists are to be blamed for the misery of the 2nd gen. They let their son/daughter choose their career, which college to attend, what to wear etc etc, but when it comes to more important choices all the 101 uncles and aunts in the family interfere. Often, the 2nd gen are sandwiched between choosing the life they want and being labeled the black sheep of the family, finally ending up not living their life to satisfy the norms of the society. Oh yeah, man is a social animal.

From the very little I have seen, I think every new relation made marks the end of one. Friendships break. Or most of them..I am not talking abt the ones we are born with.Sometimes, the crack is so profound that it becomes impossible. It surprises me how easily people can take each other for granted. Though it may painful, I personally feel if a relation has to end, it should before things start reeking. May be this confusion will be solved when everyone thinks of their Life as the gift they should enjoy and realize that the next person is entitled to enjoy their 'gift of life' free from external interference and pressure and just try to move on enjoying their gift.

And yeah, a lil bit of courage will certainly help.


Anonymous said…
So your parents are looking for matches for you.. ?? :P
Preetam said…
the last lines are so very true. but personally my problem is i set high expectations initially in any relation and then suffer to live up to it but i never set expectations for myself nor really planned about how i should move in a relationship, i only believe in universal happiness :P
Anonymous said…

(I'm not yelling at you with caps'ing and exclamation marks, I swear, but I'm totally a supporter for this cause).
You have been nominated for the kreativ award.
check out my latest post for more details!
Vamsee said…
As there is increase in the degree of separation in relationships, so is shallowness in emotions.They can wildly swing from hatred to love.Its as if they are testing you how far you go. If you put your foot down firmly but respectfully, they will actually respect you and let you do whatever you want.If you waver, then it means you are not sure of what you want and you are done.This fight is very temporary..and must of it is within yourself as it is the emotional black mail from others which will pull you down.

Avoiding injection because of the pain it causes is not good. Because, you may need surgery later..or may be not.Sometimes everything works out fine in the end.
sid said…
could'nt agree with you more ! simply awesome

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