
I have recently read a novel called 'Sisters' by Danielle Steel. Its a book about four sisters, each in their world, thousands of miles apart , pursuing their professions, living their destinies, yet, tied together by a bond that only strengthened with time, how their lives are thrown into utter chaos when a tragedy strikes the family, and how these sisters come together in a time of disarray and the sacrifices they make in their professional and personal lives to reb uild their family after the misfortu ne.. the sisters move into an apartment and live together for a year and I so so wanted a life like theirs..i realized having a sister is so much fun.. I take grea t pleasure in quoting Amy Li , " Having a sister is like hav ing a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there." I have 5 such 'god given sisters' who have been with me through thick and thin. They have been my ray of sunshine on a cloudy day and...