last night, I was in Liquids and it was an eye-opener to me. I was super-shocked to see the kind of crowd and their pdas. The major part of the crowd were college kids barely older than 18 or 19; cigarettes in one hand and alcohol in the other, swooning over their boyfriend/girlfriend totally unconcerned about the 100s of people around and like it was their bedroom..Hyderabad gave me a culture-shock, not US. It was like "falling from the chimney right into the pizza oven" like Vamsee put it. What surprised me was how could the management not verify the age of the people before letting them in or serving them alcohol. S tells me that I will find more than 80% of the same crowd in Touch the very next day, i.e., Saturday. He also told me its like a ritual; Wednesdays at Dublin, Thursdays at bottles & Chimneys, Fridays at Liquids and so on...the cover charges are no less than 2000 bucks per head and I wonder how these kids can afford so much every single day!! And, I think ...
Showing posts from 2009
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Yesterday, I read this article about emigrant Indians finding it tough to come back home. A lil more than a week since coming back, I have already started doubting my decision. It is not just the pollution, traffic, infrastructure or lack of clean public toilets that makes me complain. Its the people here that turn me off. People in the family too. and the fact that my country is polluted with corrupt politicians. K was gonna start fasting today cos his demands were falling on deaf ears. He was arrested (but Why!!??) and the result being a peaceful-fast unto death-turned ugly and damaged public property. what annoys me is dragging these dirty poli'tricks' to college campuses and students. the media is definitely creating a hype but cant these students realize that theey are being used as pawns to nourish the political ambitions of various political parties. There was one stupid guy in a maroon shirt standing in the balocny of a college hostel and pelting stones at policemen....
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Nothing is permanent in life. Love, friendship, bullshit..everything fades with time. We build relations, make friendships, talk about being true friends, standing through thick and thin, offering a shoulder to cry and blah blah..all are compromises made to satisfy just one entity; The EGO. Once it is offended, love, affection, warmth, genuineness and all good things will cease to exist. Trust cant stand up against it either. Such is the ability of the leaves an irreparable crack that makes you doubt everything. If only, grad school and life could teach us how to overpower it than meekly surrendering to that moment of self pride.. Tonight, as i sit sleepless, staring at the dark sky, another beautiful chapter in my life comes to an end. Its a different thing that the ending is not as beautiful as the beginning, but like always, I am happy I got to learn, accept and move with the vicissitudes of life!!
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Long long ago, a very successful and wealthy business man, Dhanraj Patil was blessed with a baby boy. He decides to name his heir Pinku Patil. Pinku was a nice bonny little kid who was intrigued by the smallest and minutest enigmas of life. Pinku was fascinated by EVERYTHING, especially ping pong balls. The first time he came across a ping pong ball was when Dhanraj left his tennis raquet and ping pong ball after a tiresome four hour game with his friend, Yuvraj Kapoor. So, Dhanraj Patil gets Pinku a ping pong ball for Pinku's fourth birthday and so began Pinku's rendevous with Ping Pong balls. After a year, Dhanraj: Beta, aapke janam din ke shubh sandarb pe aapko kya chahiye. (Son, what do you want for your birthday gift?) Pinku: Pithaji, mujhe ek ping pong ball chahiye (Daddy, I want a ping-pong ball.) Dhanraj is surprised at Pinku's wish. Year after year, for every birthday, Pinku asks his Pithaji for ping pong balls. Pinku finishes school and is the state topper. When...
i read somewhere that...
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“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
for what was known as 'WE'.
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A story of hopes and dreams, of a new life and making it big; we came with a heavy heart leaving everyone behind in oblivion to finding a family and a home away from home.. treading a new path holding hands and not letting each other fall. we fought;we patched up we laughed; and cried together we cursed and cussed others.. screw the rest, WE were the world for us.. the late night walks and the scary talks, all the assumptions and presumptions; letting down was a part of growing up and could not dare to dream about letting go.. I don't have the power to change things; I would not even if I did; For if experience is the teacher, the mistakes are the lessons from which we learned Those two years,a precious part of my life Spent with people more precious; the memories will be cherished for long and the friendship will be treasured for ever..
vision 2020...just an illusion??
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A co-worker's boyfriend had asked me how can I leave the land of opportunities and go back to India. "What is there in India?" these were his exact words. " what is there in India" that I am moving back to? yes, there is corruption in India. There is pollution, population explosion, traffic jams, insensitivity,illiteracy, female foeticide and infanticide . There is lack of civic sense, lack of good organization and there is no cleanliness. We spit on the road and all the walls on the road are public urinals and men make graffiti with pee on all those walls. Haaa! tell me what isn't there in India. A lot of people I know don't want to go back to India for all those mentioned above and a lot more. And can we do anything about it? Yeah, we can fret about it and enjoy watching on-screen how the heroes fight these evils while we munch on our popcorn. may be, my being a hypocrite has a lot to do with the country I come from. The country, the state, the social...
I learnt my lesson the hard way!!
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You should stick to what you are and shouldn't try to change yourself. When you are used to breaking rules, you should break them. For the first time in my life i wanted to follow the lab rules and not carry my food and drink inside the lab which made me lose my coffee;one hot tall perfectly brewed !! Like a good girl I left my tall beloved coffee outside the lab door and the janitor trashed my coffee and imagine what it is like when you have to survive the next 16 hours in the lab when the whole country is sleeping and you couldn't get enough of your divine cuppa that was supposed to keep you awake!! I would have forgiven that janitor, if only she dint trash my bottle of water that was standing next to the coffee :( I often wonder why all the experiences that teach something have to be bitter..may be they should add bitter to the list of synonyms of good coz I have been told since childhood bitter gourd is good. if bitter gourd is good, then what is potato? bliss? but, do we ...
relationships & complications!
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Relationships baffle me. And, they complicate life. They end up making the already complex life more complex. F is of the opinion that when we are born with relationships like mum, dad, brother, sister etc, why should we be the choosers of this relationship called 'life partner'. With different pressures from all the directions,the process many a time ends up in an entangled mess and crippled relations that cannot be patched. it makes no sense to me when people end up breaking an X relation to make a Y relation work. And yeah, the broken hearts that cannot be mended and the the million $$$ question is how happy you are at the end of this drama. Methinks , just being born with the 'life partner' relation would purge out so much pain from the world. I have always admired people who stood up for their happiness;people who knew what they want out of life and take the step to make it happen. If X had the guts to fight everyone for what X thought would make him happy, I wou...
twenty something.....errrr!!!
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I don’t like being 24. I can’t be the naive i-don't-care attitude girl I was at 23. and I am not ready for the responsibilities of a 25 year old. Growing up is not fun and is not easy either and birthdays are a reminder that you are another year older. Another year closer to responsibilities. Another year closer to losing your life and living for others. Another year closer to death. And can it get worse than the noisy nosy neighborhood kids addressing you as aunty? I liked being 23 cos I kept telling myself that I am still on the nicer side of twenties ( no offense meant to those in their late twenties! its just that I don't want to call myself an older-twenty something). I can still tell early twenties for the next 10 months but someone told me that the months on the calendar appear closer than they are and that is the reason for all this cribbing…i am doing more thinking these days..may be this is what they call 'the quarter life crisis'. They say what goes aroun...
the world's most boring sunday ever..
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this post was due yesterday but I am writing it today cuz yesterday was supposed to be the world's most boring Sunday and you don't do interesting stuff like blogging on a boring Sunday. Imagine being stranded at home on a Sunday! Sigh!! yesterday was one such Sunday when everyone I knew in Tampa was out of town and my laptop was on a flight back home from Enfield. I was home alone :( Yes, the entire Sunday.. yeah I mean 24 hours!! the only thing that happened apart from the 3 movies I watched continuously on TV, was mr.roach. He popped out of nowhere and my heart nearly skipped a beat. I hated him for doing that to me and for a moment I remembered Yancy Butler in 'The Ex' and took great pleasure in drowning him. I know I might have angered quite a few souls who care more about ducks, roaches than humans. Believe me, this is not jabbering. C at the gym said that she would brake for ducks and not humans. She mentioned very joyfully abt a news she read in the newspape...
Lets celebrate freedom!!!
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Its 15 August, 2009 ( its already the 15th in India) and 62 years since India became independent and my inbox is flooded with emails "lets celebrate 62 years of freedom/independence", "proud to be an Indian" and orkut is brimming with scraps that say" change your pic. put up a picture of our national flag..lets show the world we are united" and facebook is flooded with independence day messages....and I open my yahoo account to see yahoo celebrating Indian independence..united we stand... So it is just this one day of the year that we realize the Indian in us..become overly patriotic overnight and theres jubilation and hullabaloo everywhere...fireworks display in some places and change of orkut profile pictures..the night clubs have happy hours to celebrate Indian independence with a shot of tequila ( not to forget the slice of lemon) and A.R.Rehman's Vande Maataram in the background..Reliance and TATA offering upto 1000 mins of Talktime...Westside ...
Laadli - 1 million signature campaign against female foeticide
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Everybody loves Life. Their life. No one has the right to steal life from anyone. Imagine sitting in a garden full of flowers and nipping a bud even before it could bloom into a beautiful flower. Neither do you have the right nor I or anyone else in this world. I came across a video that was intended to create awareness against female foeticide. It really moved me. Laadli is an awareness campaign against female foeticide. It breaks my heart how those insensitive people can forget the womb they came from and kill their own daughters. My dad always told me daughters are a gift and daughters are the forces that bind the family. I am shocked to know that there are 27 lakh crimes related to sex determination in educated India!! Years ago, when a girl stole the two crystal peacocks that I got at the craft exhibition at school, I was so sad and bitter at her that I prayed she should flunk her math exam. I prayed that night and a number of nights that followed. all i ca...
Dumb DNA :(
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lately, I have developed a good habit of following the news everyday (yes, I don’t leave an opportunity to brag. Anyways, why shouldn't I? This is my blog and I am the star here ;) ) and I came across a news video. The video showed kids in China being DNA tested at early ages like 3, so that parents can identify their hidden talents in the bud and leave no stone unturned in nurturing their teeny weeny celebrity talent and pave way for their future; say like training them to participate in the Olympics..the kids are sent to summer camps where their DNA is tested and a group of teachers observe them to see what talents they have and what they lack!! Isn’t this ridiculous? Why burden those innocent minds from such a tender age? I feel they have the rest of their lives to live under pressure to perform, stress and show off those talents. Can there be anything more cruel than snatching those angelic smiles and stealing their play time? When I was a 3 yr old, success was successful co...
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If roaches had souls, I would have been haunted to death by now. No kidding! I don't like men. I don't like them for what they are and for what they are not. I am a bloody hypocrite. I love to travel. Rio, Egypt, Savannah, Alaska, Greece,Seychelles; they are top on my list (not necessarily in the order mentioned) I love food.period. I hate exercising.period. I would not mind spending the rest of my life eating, drinking, merry making and reading books when time permits. I once had a brief crush on my boss ( NO! i am not gonna tell who/when/where) I hate water rides. They make you wet, sticky and what not! I wanted to be a teacher,an air hostess,pilot,astronaut,choreographer,fashion designer, IAS officer,entrepreneur, chef, gardener (in the same order as mentioned) and I ended up being an engineer. I am dead scared of installing and uninstalling anti-virus on my computer :P I love buddays..specially y(h)appy Buddays!! sigh! i eagerly wait for gifts :P I am computer-illiterate. ...
10 ways to know if u are a shopoholic...
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1) if, while making plans to go out, the first thing you think about is hanging out at the mall 2) you empty the entire wardrobe looking for a shirt, dump all the clothes back and repeat the procedure the next(every) time you go out 3) when you have to keep digging through all those store credit cards looking for your drivers license 4) being seen in the same outfit twice is a crime and now this makes deciding what to wear for work today one of those most difficult decision you have ever taken 5) you have a wish list which grows at a rate faster than that at which items are marked off 6) you don't need 3 shots of tequila, just buying those cool shades will give you a happy high 7) when you end up spending $100.00 trying to save $15.00 using the 15 off 30 discount coupon on that 11th sweater that you want (it's not need) for winter which is 6 months from now 8) you have a chapstick, a lip gloss, a body lotion, a box of mint; one set in that black hobo bag, one in the ...
Women here, there and everywhere...
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Neither have I lived in a lot of places nor have I already started going grey, but it is not beyond the comprehension of any woman (to be addressed as a girl has already started sounding annoying to me!) of any age to comprehend that women here, there, elsewhere and everywhere( yes, even if there were women on Venus) are no different. From the moment I landed here in the United States, and every new city I visit, the first thing I do is compare the women( its altogether a different thing that I end up checking their footwear and if they got a pedicure). Definitely women here in the US of A and the so called developed countries are more independent, self-respecting and self-loving and a lot more when compared to those back home. But, underneath the mask of independence and achievement are the same old layers of vulnerability, insecurity and uncertainty. Don’t mistake me to be another 379,856th feminist. It is just that I haven’t come across any house-husband or dads who ar...
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This is no beauty pageant and I k'no'w we are no models, but would just love to know what can be changed to make this world a better place. "If you got a chance to change something in the world, what would it be?" lack of compassion?? tolerance?? poverty?? sham?? crime?? pretense?? corruption? greed?? disease?? suffering?? pain?? hatred?? though each new year starts with a hope of ringing out all the above and more.. each day begins with an eagerness to welcome all things good and kind.. and doesn't end without witnessing war, murder, female abuse in several form.. nevertheless, the fervent hope doesn't wither and the wish doesn't tether.. cuz tomorrow is another bright day.. "With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world!" - Max Ehrmann
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When was the last time you told someone sorry for something you dint do and someone thinks you intentionally did that? Will that sorry mean victory to you or to the opposition? Does saying that SORRY make you guilty as charged? 'To err is human, to forgive is divine'. But, forgiving someone for something they dint do, can that be called divinity? Does freedom really exist? defines freedom (one of the several meanings) as " exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.". If every move one makes in life is accompanied by unnecessary interference, implications and so on and so forth, isn't it incorrect to call oneself a free individual?
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This thing called "Life!!" is quite an interesting entity...our affair started years ago and my fascination for Life" is still intact. Life doesn't cease to surprise me; I discover something new about Life everyday. Life made me laugh, made me cry.. gave me moments to cherish and incidents that I don't want to look back to..Life had taught me to smile through tough times and showed me the guardian angels who stood by me; through thick and thin and held my hand through rain and shine.. Sometimes Life gave me questions and asked me to figure out my answers. I found few, trying to find more, and some, Life answered when Life wanted to. Sometimes Life let me down;so much that I hated Life and dint want Life. But, at the next possible opportunity, Life made it up for the let down. Believe me, Life gave me every reason to smile back. Life and I share a relationship that is beyond words and paragraphs. Yet again, Life has given me two best options tormenting ...
Tagged again!!
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tagged by Preets .. Last movie seen in a theatre: He is just not that into you.. ( i luuuvvved the movie) What book are you reading? The Appeal by John Grisham Favorite board game: Ashta-chamma :D Favorite magazine: Reader's Digest, WoW! Hyderabad for all the gossip... Favorite smells: changes with time... currently light blue by D & G ... and yeah, petrol, chai, coffee beans... Favorite sound: clacking of heels :P Worst feeling in the world: feeling constipated.. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? why do we have to wake up? Favorite fast food place: i love food.. and i love any place that serves good food.. no discrimination when it comes to food ;) Future child’s name: definitely starts with A.. Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…” do lots of shopping and visit Egypt, South Africa, Rio and Germany. Do you drive fast? 'fast' is a relative term... Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? chee... Storms - Cool or Scary? Cool & Scary...